Work is for Jerks

Its the Witcher after all.

I’ve lived in NYC on-and-off my whole life, living in the UK, Syracuse, Seattle, San Jose, Atlanta, Austin, even Birmingham, AL (deservedly at the bottom of the list), and I can tell you unequivocally that you will find more random acts of kindness in the Big Apple than almost anywhere on the planet. I am not joking.

Mostly this is a fine comment, but I have to correct you on the “guy who had a strong punch” bit: McGregor looked to be the lightest-hitting boxer I’ve seen in a long time. Like, Malingaggi-soft. Feather fisted. By the fourth round Mayweather was walking straight through his punches and barely even bothering to move

Are you flirting with me? ;)

The problem is, in all likelihood, it won’t even be a train wreck. A train wreck at least involves some contact and action. Floyd has never shown any interest in entertaining his fans and Conor won’t be able to make the fight exciting no matter how hard he tries. And as much as it’s fun to imagine that Conor will

I’m playing the ‘Don’t get killed by Hurricane Harvey’ game this weekend. If that starts getting boring, maybe some 3ds.

Colleen Dagg is officially invited to all the cookouts.

Where did the Moose touch you?

No one tell him “This War of Mine” exists.

Fingers crossed he’s good at writing a tell-all book or honestly testifying in front of Congress.

What is with these names? Really, you’re gonna trust a guy who calls himself lolex with you money? See, that was your first mistake.

That is literally an over the shoulder boulder holder

8 people who care about WNBA < Cost of modelling hundreds of new players, stadiums, etc.

Quest for the Holy Grail.


Not “search.”

The desk over yonder is for surrendering nerd cards; you know what to do.

4 sure gonna pass definitely

I’m disappointed. I would have gone with giant mustaches or pictures of hedgehogs or something. Censor bars are so passe.

Pretty sure he’s this guy:

Most grueling sports:

And the founders said eff you to Louis XVI by letting him die in the revolution, particularly when said revolution was partly because the French had spent too much money supporting the American revolution. Thus, starting the time honored American tradition of, “I got mine. Screw You!”