You realize the hypocrisy here, right? Why should the authors of either article only be allowed to talk if they agree with you? If you don’t like these journalists, why don’t you just get over it and move along? It’s the same thing.
You realize the hypocrisy here, right? Why should the authors of either article only be allowed to talk if they agree with you? If you don’t like these journalists, why don’t you just get over it and move along? It’s the same thing.
Someone painted, “pumpkin spice is people” outside my starbucks.
Um, the man is Nick Cannon aka father of her son. And this is a lovely picture of them getting together and having a pleasant holiday with their children. Sorry you can’t get over her boobs, I guess?
This comment is bad.
My tale isn’t exactly public, but at least there’s a witness. It’s a story of shame and the meaning of friendship.
I have a short piss story, followed by a longer one about everything.
Friend of a friend took upskirt photos of me when I was 19 while we were out bowling and posted them on Facebook. And tagged me.
Not sure how to fix, but Fluevog has some very similar styles. They’re a little pricy but made well.[]=gender:women&r[]=attribute:11
“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”
Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.
This is true, but so many women have cycles of varying lengths that it can become incredibly difficult/nearly impossible to gauge exactly when one is and isn't fertile. I'd say, honestly, unless she's trying to conceive, most women have no idea how long their individual cycle is. And sometimes it varies month to month!
Way to take it to 10 for no reason. I said no one paid to hear a hecker, not that they should be thrown in prison. But nice strawman.
Yeah, that’s not the point. Don't go to a show and heckle people. Don't be a dick. THATS THE POINT.
what is this comment
I’m what would be conventionally called “skinny” (to the extent that strangers feel the need to comment on it. I’m built like my dad, in my case it has nothing to do with diet or exercise and everything to do with genetics. I’m not proud or ashamed, it’s just, whatever.) The one time I modelled as a favour to a friend…
Lawlz. We’re talking about average to plus-size body types and people are bringing up skinny/thin body types. This isn’t the time for skinny/thin people to pop up and say “What about me?”
“All sizes matter" wahhhhh. Wahhhh. Ugh
It is, and Brian is the master: