Karolis Polikša

If you lower the effect and music audio and boost the dialogue audio you can hear Cal whisper his morbid death fantasies to the dying stormtroopers.

I wrote a slightly critical thing about Star Wars. I knew what I was getting myself into. 

Here for the mad comments. Much like Elon Musk, this game has the weirdest defenders.

It’s so adorable that you still post like this. It tells me that Russian bots still haven’t gained self-awareness, which is great news :)

I feel like a lot of people commenting here are completely ignorant about the history of Tesla and Elon Musk’s intention for it. Elon Musk doesn’t care if Tesla is successful, it would be nice if it was but all he cares about is making electric cars the leading market. Most of these car manufacturers are only making

To be fair everyone who reported reported them as layoffs for downsizing. It was clearly reported that they were firings based on poor performance after yearly performance reviews. And his comment about standard for companies that size is also true, it’s around 2% fired for failing reviews, or the worst 2% of the

Why do they have to specify “advanced” supercomputing? Are there Institutes of Average Supercomputing? Or Institutes of Remedial Supercomputing? Isn’t it all pretty advanced?

My thoughts exactly. Stupid government. So do you need regulatory approval every time you bury someone six feet under, or do they bury them just a little shallower in CA?

That’s significantly cheaper than our last/current war.