
Electric bill too steep? Welcome to the Glorious PC Master Race, where we shit on consoles for exerting too much power while making you save money on electric bills. Enjoy console peasants! :D

Why Ni no Kuni should be game of the year: Because it's charming as hell. There's really nothing like Ni no Kuni—it's a whimsical, beautiful fairy tale with an entertaining combat system and a world worth exploring.

Just so that nobody else can do it first.

As someone who was deemed "Melon Head" in high school, does that mean when I walk the streets of South Korea women will stop me to tell me that I have a sexy head?

"I bet he started the fire." -Bill O'Reily, probably

From FOX:
The irresponsible behavior exhibited by a young man who's tarnished brain robbed him of all common sense shown today is appalling. The subject showed ignorance of danger, while simultaneously disrespecting the elderly by forcing him out of his house.

Shit help me break my disk drive!!!

Then they released the fourth card in the series, and everyone openly wept...

Oh.My.Lord...Tina is beyond fucking cute..

I already am alone :(

Meanwhile Microsoft is developing a screw that looks like the XBOX logo.