Oh, she’s 20, and quite a character! But she refuses to speak Spanish when we go to Latin restaurants because she speaks Cathtillian, and she chooses not to identify as Latina.
Oh, she’s 20, and quite a character! But she refuses to speak Spanish when we go to Latin restaurants because she speaks Cathtillian, and she chooses not to identify as Latina.
Don’t need designer, just need affordable blouses without boob darts that are too high and large for my figure.
They want to do it right, which is why they’re using Aztec-inspired architecture with Chilean music. *headdesk* Someone please get these assholes a map. What’s next, a Nepalese princess who loves her bulgogi?
Sadly, to some people it does. My daughter has fair skin and isn’t fluent in Spanish, and was ostracized from the Latina community in school.
The dub (I assume you meant dub and are not fluent in Japanese) served its purpose, to indoctri—I mean introduce little kids who can’t read yet to the series.
Yaaaaaaaaaaas they slay!
11 Banshees albums and more b-sides than I can count without effort, and you pick “Hong Kong Garden?” WHY?!?! “Rhapsody” (off Peepshow) or “Dizzy” would be more to a Bush fan’s tastes - this from a friend who owns A Book of Dreams and cried when his Hammersmith Odeon video tape broke. Personally I’d pick the entire…
Nothing I’m familiar with; must be a discontinued cookie. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Girl_Scou… I miss Thank You Berry Munch.
I use shampoo once in a blue moon when my hair gets too greasy or gets into something gross, maybe once every 8 weeks or so. The rest of the time I just rinse it with hot water once or twice a week. I have very dry skin and scalp and an allergy to coconut, though. Also my hair is waist-length and absorbs a lot of…
(Close! Now how about that Law?)
Snickerdoodles aren’t sold by Girl Scouts, and it’s really meth in the Thin Mints that makes them irresistible. ;)
No, it’s not bad. :) My 20-yr-old Lifetime Girl Scout and I got a good laugh.
Sure, free upgrade for people on PC who could actually play the damn game, but yet again, fuck Playstation loyalists. No, Bethesda won’t be getting my money for this, they already got it and I was left with a $60 piece of garbage I can’t even give away. Also have an unopened Legendary for PC, hubby didn’t check our…
It’s Nancy fucking Drew, of course it skewed female. But since girls can enjoy Hardy Boys, maybe they should’ve given this wannabe Veronica Mars reboot a try. Oh wait....
Wonderful, now my biracial niece can have a leo that matches her summertime skin! She *will* be the next Misty Copeland, and no one can tell her otherwise.
So how is this a bad thing? I could see her as one of the “Macavity” singers, but Grizabella? That was basically the only thing that could have kept me from seeing it, so I’m happy!
It’s both, and that should be a crime.
It doesn’t, but there are chunks of something tomatolike in the sauce and there are rose petals all over it; bad combination. Roses are edible and yummy and (imho) flavor the best Indian and Persian desserts.
There is so much wrong on that plate. I love rose flavored food, but that’s just gross. Nasturtium could work but wouldn’t be thematically correct.
Oh, it is. I’ve been online since ‘97, so I try to be a bit less of an asshole. Also, crafting a pithy flame worthy of Dorothy Parker takes more effort than I wish to put forth. ;)