I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first, and I am now in TEARS. Thanks, Cornwell. Thanks a lot.
I am 15 weeks pregnant with my first, and I am now in TEARS. Thanks, Cornwell. Thanks a lot.
Hmmmm... methinks it was edited, my friend. I swear to god that "not" wasn't there when I cut and pasted. But ok. I'll be better about my reading skills.
Do you realize what you said? You basically said there's a lot of racism against westerners in Korea because westerners have a tendency to misbehave. That's like saying white people are racist because black people have a tendency to be ______. No, actually racists are racist because they like racism, period.
Why settle for just blaming the victim when you can blame the whole country?
Anyone who orders or mentions Irish Car Bombs, jokes about bombs, jokes about being Irish and having "Irish traits" like noses (?) (whatever the fuck they are, usually something very American actually and nothing at all Irish haha) - they get the full brunt of my Scouse tongue* and that can be like a rocket to the…
I don't think I have the 'Irish temper' people talk about but I would honestly punch someone in the face if they ordered an 'Irish car bomb'. And then sit them down and give them a long-ass history lesson, complete with anecdotes about specific people who died in the Troubles.
Aw, thank you! (Also for the graph. Go Hungary!)
I'm sure it's grand! Of course, all I can afford at this point is armchair travel, so it's all a moot point.
It already will. I mean, all the people who support George were going to support this juror even if she came out and said the n-word in the interview with Cooper.
The funniest part is, Rachel may have used slang and improper grammar, but she is clearly far smarter than B37.
They didn't even pretend to try. I can't imagine how the Martin family feels. The people who are suppose to get them justice seemed to be ones sabotaging the whole thing.
It's disgusting. I don't understand how she made it though selection and I can not believe what a half hearted job the prosecution did on this trial. The eyes of the world are on you and this is what you do?
"these people"
Tainted jury? Fuck, I don't know. Sometimes there is such a clear distinction between what's actually right and moral and what our legal system does that I don't even know how to wrap my brain around it. And then I'm all like:
I didn't want to watch, but I did. This. Made. My. Blood. BOIL.
Mistrial, anyone? Please? Does our fucked-up system allow for that? JEEZUS.
Soo..she set a murderer free because she's a racist and had plans to cash in on a controversial ruling. Horrible human being, yes? Yes, okay.
Quote: "I feel like the 911 operator kind of egged him on. He should have told him directly not to get out of the car. I don't know if it's their policy to ask questions like 'Do you seen where he's gone?"
Good rule of thumb for the workplace: If you can imagine Benny Hill doing it, DON'T DO IT.