
Thanks so much for this Big D!!! I am a huge life long self hater. I hate everything about myself and am always saying stuff to myself that I would never say to anyone else ever. My mantra is basically "Ewww, you're disgusting" all day long, every day, everywhere no matter what. I actually think I am ruining the

I used to be a lot harsher on myself. I've also suffered a lot of depression and eating disorders etc. I send you good vibes on your road to recovery.

"spandex is a privelege, not a right!"
I hate that shit. It's so stupid. Spandex is a fabric, period. No one ever says, "Satin is a privilege, not right!"

I know, body-shaming among women is so automatic, a lot of us don't even recognize it until someone points it out. It's an epidemic. We just gotta keep on fightin' on with love my sistah.

In my head, these are read with the same slow earnest tone that you hear in a Ken Burns Civil War documentary, complete with the date of the tweet. It's the best!

Congratulations on being turd on that list, Donald.

Tweet Beats have gotten hella stale. There's gotta be better stuff out there.

Free Advice: Ladies, no matter what size you are, [Thoughtfulness] needs to be a friend of yours PLEASE!!! Invest in [Thoughtfulness]! ��

Excuse the typo, it was wine for one two. A bottle is a single serving, right?

Although, if I,mbeing honest, it was really sushi for three.


My momma always said, "If it looks too good to be true, it probably is."

I would put my money on it being a scam (buy the membership, then pay extra for all these events) or an escort service scam (buy the membership, then pay extra for all these ladies).

I got the impression that they were targeting young women who want to be models or just famous. But I don't watch commercials anymore.

And, seriously? It sounds like a scam. Costs too much for that many people to join, and legit groupon type deals require a very large amount of potential buyers to work.

Why wasn't Zoe made to complete the Seven Wonders after being brought back to life? Isn't it possible that two people had all seven abilities? Also, I thought that Myrtle might have been helping Misty with powers that Misty didn't actually have. I am just so disappointed with this season. I know that a lot of people

A sociopath has no way of internalizing pain on behalf of others. They lack the ability to empathize. Puberty can be a major factor in naiscent mental illness. You obviously have no experience with severe mental illness.

What if she thought what she was doing wasn't real or wouldn't have real consequences (i.e. the death of her sister)?

She's also a teen whose brain isn't fully developed and who may well be mentally ill. Who knows if she fully understood the enormity and consequences of her actions? I truly hope that gets investigated.

She could have also not understood what she was doing? I hesitate to comment on her mental state until a psychologist has commented.

Started reading this dirt bag and thought, wow, the tone here is really perfect— clever and random, but not mean and snarky. Scroll scroll scroll... Oh, doi, it was written by Mark! I am a fan of Mark articles even when I don't realize they are Mark articles. So glad you've joined the crew, man!

Mark is new, gurl. That was the old guard, dontchaknow.