
I think silja could have phrased his or her comment a little better, but the dynamic they describe is more or less accurate. I’d actually argue that the big-money sports have that dynamic to an even greater degree, especially considering the militaristic culture of college football; whatever coach says, goes. It is

Yikes, get a grip!

Yeah. I gasped aloud reading that line. I’m at a loss for words. This is just beyond disgusting, evil, predatory, criminal... All of it.

This is some tedious trolling.

Thank you for reminding me how much I love Drew Barrymore!

I’m heartbroken. She and Kate Winslet are my very favorite actors, and yet they both somehow managed to fuck this up completely.

Love this story. The Eutectics have a new fan!

Thanks for sharing this. I recently discovered Fallout 4 and that world is simply my favorite place to be when I’m exhausted after work while smoking weed and listening to podcasts. It’s becoming a little too routine - I’ve put off applying for a new job, and generally getting my life together - but it’s tough to

Yikes, thanks for the explanation. I remember him leaving the Nuggets during this situation, but wasn’t aware of the full story. Still, just..creepy.

Ugh, what??? Was this before or after he got in trouble for child pornography??

This is the correct answer!

I’m kind of amazed it took them this long to think of it!

I agree to an extent, but they didn’t even win last season! Still a long way to go, though.

This is really great...can’t wait to finish it!

And to hell we go...

She had quite a life...

Now playing

You could probably even consider the owl - “Big Mama” - from The Fox and the Hound a mammy-inspired character:

Yikes! Have you at least tried her books? Caged Bird is beautiful.

Gee, it’s almost like people who do shit like this make an effort to hide it because they know it’s wrong...

It’s almost as bad as being sexually assaulted and knowing that, if you come forward, most people will call you a liar, whore and do whatever mental gymnastics necessary to insist that your humiliating violation is just a made-up scenario to make money or garner *attention* (as though that kind of attention is, like,