I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.
I do make $100k/year and I support him. I dont want anything for free (except free Uber rides like that guy in Funbag lucked into) but I would appreciate it if roads and bridges were maintained/improved.
Imma promote this, just because I love your name. I want to woovle all the live-long day. WOOOOVLE DAMMIT!
I’m sure that you are okay, and you are indeed talented, but you’re not publishing books on the national and international level of Gay Talese, Tom Wolfe, or Hunter S. Thompson.
Marathons are all about race, bro.
Was wondering how long it might take to make this a racial outrage.
- Starin’ at something, friend?
- I ain’t your friend, palooka
Even though her green laser was more powerful than Hill’s her backup guy had the super powerful Violet laser.
Finally. Stacey Dash and I have something in common.
I recommend this video of Dee Snyder testifying in front of the PMRC in 1885.
based on your comment, we are getting outraged by less and less extreme things.
why is this non story getting attention?
Plenty of people watched the video too. Did you want to see people die?
Today is the 25th - it’s only been 9 days. Last weekend is the right choice of words.
I’m surprised no o e has commented on how many time the cop crossed the double yellow himself, even when he wasn’t passing another car. They guy would cross into the other lane for every other turn, which is much, much worse than what the dude was doing on his bike.
I don’t think calling them morons and jamokes and dinguses and slow-witted white dorks in their best Sunday camo is handling them with kid gloves. I don’t think the solution to the imbalanced application of law enforcement in the United States is for the heavy-handed destructiveness wrongfully applied in certain…
Yeah. Compliments are the fucking worst!
Of course she wasn’t offended. And I tire of people getting offended for someone else. She clearly intended to show them off. To not comment on them would have been insensitive.
There seem to be a lot of people on Twitter who think rape should be legal for Cosby since white cops get away with murder. I’m not sure how that logic works, but a lot of people are repeating it.
Because I like to live dangerously. That’s why.
Yeah, the felony term is peeping thomas