
My problem with Windows 8 is that it's loosing windows. Ditching windows for full-screen apps. I don't want to check for updates full-screen.. I want to pull something up, have it do something while i move on to the next window/app.

I met my wife on Match, too. No joke.. our first anniversary is on the 16th of this month. Internet dating delivered in a big and very awesome way for us!

So does this mean that no information or data (from governments or the private sector) can or should be truly private, secret or proprietary?

@HobbitGamer: I never understood why people complain so much about camping. It's been a valid defensive strategy in every FPS game played.

Does "SSD" mean OSX finally supports the trim function? .. or I guess they're only using drives with the hardware work-around?

@axiomatic: I dunno. Hardware is getting closer to where it can run Win7 much more efficiently. It's not quite there, but much more close than just 6 months ago.

No dealspl.us love?

@certifiedfryguy: I hear you there, brother. I admit, docks are nice to have and Apple's products being so conform, are conducive to the many accessories out there.

@certifiedfryguy: @webdevmike: Exactly. Why are you so in love with proprietary accessories? You should be able to add any accessory you wish by using standard connections.

@Monty: my laptop booting windows professional takes less than 30 seconds from cold start. .. From sleep, it takes mere seconds (m11x w/SSD). -keep your one button consummation device. I can actually do stuff on Windows.

Please M$ help us, you are our only hope from the fruit segregating the internet into hundreds of thousands of silly apps.

@Fulgurite: You can boil it down to perception. When announced, they tauted the design and glass as having more than average strength (30x that of plastic!?) .. So the perception is that it will be more durable and it isn't.

@casmith07: It's not a single website. Expand your view, this phone is not getting praise atm.

Mocking religious beliefs is always fun.

@harrymcback: Yup. I have 2 HDhomerun tuners. They're networked tuners that receive the unencrypted TV signals. The cool thing about them is that I can share the tuners between all my computers. So my media center in the bedroom can use the same tuners as the livingroom (or laptop, etc) -just not at the same time,

@DJ Bushido: you can, but they're not quite perfect yet. (ATI has cable card tuners)