
Pretty easy to understand what’s going on when you don’t have a toddlers attention span. It’s also been popular for more than a week, and will only get more popular as stuff is added to it.

What’s so funny about a console pre-loaded with 30 games for the price of a single PS4 game or 4 tickets for a 2 hour movie?

Games that are shut down, sure. Active games, even if different versions? Shut them down and sue the people running them. They didn’t do shit to make the game, just profit from other people’s work.

Unfortunate, but you gotta do it to save the out.

Did no one else actually watch the video? He was two points away from a promotional series when a guy ON HIS OWN TEAM decided to purposely run out and score the enemy points by feeding them his own deaths.

RIOT won’t ever do anything to those kinds of players, but they’ll lightning ban someone for being understandably