
This is one thing that bothers me more than anything. It’s not just the fictional characters that chose to kill. It’s the writers and producers and directors feel the need to steer the characters towards a situation just to make them kill.

It’s really insulting. It’s like someone woke up and decided, fuck the fans, we

“Remember when Wonder Woman killing Maxwell Lord was a big deal because Wonder Woman isn’t a murderer?”

This is pretty much my big beef with the Murderverse.

Yeah sometimes death happens, but these heroes go out of their way to prevent it. It is such a big deal that when one of them breaks this trend it creates a


He makes terrible movies, we want good superhero movies. It's pretty simple

Can I get Brandon Routh back as Superman? Underrated. I enjoyed him.

We understand that Snyder is a dudebro. We don’t like that a dudebro got to our nerd stuff and messed it up.

I stand by my preference: just make Justice League: Crisis, bring in the Anti-Monitor and have him wipe out everything that happened in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and the first Green Lantern.

Honestly if Wonder Woman is does good enough, I could see it as a means to redo the DCEU by way of a soft reboot. That way, the can disregard MoS and BvS once Snyder is kicked off Justice League.

But I’ve always believed, since Iron Man 1, that things have got to work. Things have got to work, or people won’t let us make another one. I don’t think that’s the case for [DC].

I used to keep a pretty good list that I can no longer find, but I’ll take a shot at possible replacement Tony’s, with the caveat that some people with find something wrong with all of them:

and that’s fair. i’m just saying it’s NOT fair to ascribe a broad tag of “sticking to the vibe of the source material” to something that was an outlier, not the norm. plus, make no mistake—if this movie was titled and marketed as “the dark knight returns”, i’d have liked it a lot more, and i bet it would have been

I’d be 10x more likely to see a Bizarro movie than a Superman one.

DC is like a fourteen-year-old’s take on ‘adult.’ Hyper-violent, highly-stylized, and completely incoherent. Basically the complete Sound & Fury package.

Screw the haters: I love Jane Foster in the MCU, and I’m sorry Portman had such a poor experience.

Stupid question. The Avengers was an exciting, entertaining, and fun movie. BvS: Jar of Human Urine was the exact opposite.

Someone get WB on the phone. I demand that they cancel all future DCCU movies and just give us this. A trilogy of this.

I think that was bvs’ #1 flaw. Needed more build-up for sure. Could’ve been easier to swallow if we knew why our heartstrings are supposed to be pulled. The Martha scene was the worst. So so forced. And I’m super easy to please!

What If The Avengers Had Only Done As Well at the Box Office as Batman v Superman?

Easy casting

Gender swap Beta Ray Bill? Beta Ray Belle?