
"Horatio Sands"

Getting reeeal tired of your shit, Leslie Jones.

Once again their progress is derailed due to their own stupidity. Honesty I've lost count at the amount of times it has happened this season. Surely I'm not the only who ISNT enjoying them fail at the end of every episode? The "tequila on the delete key" was bad enough last episode, now this… ugh.

Yeah, I dont really understand how people cant enjoy the writing of this season's story. I mean Pied Piper get a win for about 5 minutes then something bad happens again. What's wrong with Pied Piper being in a happy and secure state for at LEAST one effing episode. It's not fun watching them fail literally every week.

Richard's character is getting dumber and more ignorant by the episode. The fuck ups he pulled this episode where on a whole new level of social retardation. This whole season is Pied Piper almost getting a win then it blowing up in their face. Every time. Why cant they have a win that lasts longer than 5 minutes or

How many times does Che want to fuck up his lines? You have one job.

Classic Leslie "I Play A Black Stereotype In Everything" Jones.