
Don’t forget that prison is a privatized business, too. They’re very good at keeping those filled.

This happened to me with Ryan Reynolds in the The Voices! Hulu described it as a dark comedy..I was expecting something like Dead Beat meets Deadpool, and that I could get stoned and laugh my ass off...holy shitballs was I mislead.

The movie starts off kinda lighthearted and gets a few chuckles, but suddenly

I could absolutely see Prescott becoming Sanchez 2.0, minus the butt fumble.

I believe it was ESPN that ran a story several years ago about Vlad and his brother Wilton. They didn’t even grow up playing baseball on a diamond or in a park, because there wasn’t one in their neighborhood. Instead, they played a batter vs. pitcher battle instead. The kids would hang out in an alley, split up into

Speaking of which, I’m a little surprised that filling his cabinet positions didn’t become a reality show itself.

Terrell Owens sure seemed to think so

I would adore either one of them if they came out, and I am a long-time Aikman hater. In an earlier post I mentioned the show Playmakers, which IIRC was on air at the same time that TO called out Jeff Garcia for being gay (remember the whole “If it looks like a duck” shit?...) Regardless if Garcia really was gay or

Best/favorite Beatles cover?

Which teams do you think Ryan Fitzpatrick, Tony Romo, RGIII, and Kirk Cousins will be playing for next year?

Ever see the show Playmakers in the early 2000s? ESPN only kept it for one season, but it addresses this very topic. I remember being in my early teens and watching it (having not come out yet myself) and thinking Whoa...I can’t believe they had the balls to do that with a football show...

My uncle’s best friend attended BYU on a basketball scholarship back in the ‘80s, and he wasn’t Mormon (I think there were one or two other non-Mormon players on the team too, not sure though). I remember that he wasn’t forced into participating in any church stuff, but you bet your ass they tried to convert him. He

Got nothin’ on this guy:

Uhh yeah..it’s the USA...having our cake and eating it too is what we do! 400 pounds and type 2 diabetes later, we then sue the cake company for making us fat. AMERICA!!

Can’t say I blame them when they have 0% body fat!

I have made this very statement before. Also: Jim Morrison.

LOL I have a Boston mix and she does the exact same thing when she wears her shoes in the snow

Thanks for sharing. The voice of the victims and those who were impacted can often be the main source of reason and logic while everyone else is panicking, imagining what their lives would be like if it had happened to them instead.

!!! This this this! You nailed it.

Thanks for the response =) Whatever message those two idiots wanted to get across, it didn’t affect the real targets of their wrath...as usual, innocent people are the ones that pay. On the flip side, I’m fairly certain that the parents of the two murderers did not raise them to be that way, and they must be living a

Put it on a poster and call it The Boston Tea-bagging.