
This is to all Boston residents that posted on here, because I’m very curious to know: do you think the surviving brother should receive Capital Punishment?

Lay a flower for me there the next time you walk by, would you please?

Ha! Know the old insult ‘You couldn’t hit water if you fell out of a boat?’

LOL of course he did! I missed the game, and when I checked the score and saw how close it was, I knew it could only mean one thing: they blew it in the final minutes.

The Republicans aren’t gonna do shit about making marijuana illegal again. Why? Because a bunch of wealthy white guys all over the nation have already invested in/built businesses and made a truckload of cash. Microsoft is invested in this shit. It’s not going anywhere.

A lot of fancy dogs don’t know how to sit, but this one does, like a good boy:

Very cogent post, well done.

PENCE ISN’T MUCH BETTER THOUGH uuuuggggggghhhhhhhhh oh god it’s all over

Thanks, that was a fun conversation and I’m glad we had it =) It’s always nice to know that other people are as appalled and disgusted with this shit show that has been thrust upon us these last two years, and that this kind of crap is not just accepted as ‘the way things are’..

Very true. Obama started the seeds of change (trees don’t grow in a day!) He wasn’t perfect and a lot of people are still hurting, but I also think he was a Democratic scapegoat to a Republican-held Congress that would rather have cut off their own nose to spite their face. I don’t blame him for our economic woes

I’m based in Washington state, and there were a lot of people here that felt the Clinton campaign were very shady during the caucus. A friend of mine was a Bernie delegate, and she said if it wasn’t so infuriating, it was almost hilarious how blatantly they were cheating. John Oliver even covered how screwy Washington

Vonnegut is one of my favorite authors, I’ve always loved this quote from Slaughterhouse Five:

“America is the wealthiest nation on Earth, but its people are mainly poor, and poor Americans are urged to hate themselves. To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, ‘It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well

Right there with you. Democracy doesn’t mean just two parties, and I don’t give a shit if that’s the status quo of our country—Look at where it has gotten us! Yes, keep playing into it, because surely things will change if you just keeping devouring the garbage they serve you. I’m sure as shit not a Republican; hell,

=) Me too. Halloween is my birthday and my favorite time of year, so I’ve honestly spent the last two weeks just reading hours worth of this shit and Reddit; I texted Buffy a bit to see if she remembered any other little details, then decided I would pick a day to sit down and share our stuff. As you can see, it took

You’re right, I was totally her puppet for a couple years. It didn’t occur to me that people could lie like that, and I didn’t see why she would want to bother doing that with me when I have no status, money, or power. That’s not what those people want though...they need your life-source and energy to feed off, like

I’m glad my first experience with this kind of personality was when I was young with nothing to lose...other women are not so lucky. Although she was tall and athletic, she wasn’t physically threatening, just scary good at playing mental and emotional games...instead of forcing you to do something, she would convince

Alrighty then, settle in for this one, ‘cuz it’s a doozy. Here we go, midnight cemetery story part II:

If you enjoyed the first cemetery experience, you won’t be disappointed with what follows. Basically, there’s a caveat from here on out, if you didn’t already see this coming: any story or details that come directly from Cartman’s mouth need to be taken with a grain of salt, as to this day I still am unsure what to

Finally have an opportunity to share some of my stories after reading hundreds of these the past few days! This will be part one of a few different tales, so sorry it’s long but I’m laying the groundwork for what happens a couple years later.

Oh dear Christ, he’s already graduated from pussy grabbing to pussy footing?!! Must be a fetish thing...