
I recently read an article where a Native man basically said there are so many other worse things to worry about in their reservation communities that, if all these outside people supposedly care about the plight of Native Americans so much, they should show their concern for tribal poverty, addiction and suicide

My ex-girlfriend’s mother attempted to cut me out of the picture every chance that arose, but we never let her call the shots, because parents don’t play by a set rules or fight fair. She pulled the same crap with her older brother and his first girlfriend too, after she discovered they were having pre-marital sex, so

You’re probably still mad the Sonics left too.

Absolutely. In my late teens, I briefly dated a girl on my college fastpitch team that turned out to be a sociopathic nightmare. Like typical lezbos, we hit the ground running fast, and I was totally swept up in this girl’s fairy dust: she was attractive, popular, and debonair with (seemingly) above-average

But where’s the control and closets of skeletons in that?

I have a Boston/French Bulldog mix, and her farts are not only toxic, but loud and frequent. She has a reputation for blasting loving admirers in the face while cuddling or playing (her butt is endearingly called the Stink Cannon) and can crop dust a room like a champ. She also likes to sleep under the covers and is

Nailed it. Plus, they’re driving luxury cars half the time—as if there aren’t enough goddamn Beemers, Lexus and Prius around Lake Washington as it is—and act like dicks.
A few of my friends and I worked at the Tulalip outlet mall about ten years ago, and charter buses full of pushy, non-English speaking Canadians

I’m not addicted, I just really hate being sober.

There you are! I knew you would be in this thread. Came here to say: Buffalo 2.0. You called it dude.

Pretty sure RGIII’s wife didn’t bone his teammate(s).

The first thing I noticed in those pictures: She’s taller than him. The second to last paragraph in the article feels it necessary to list their height and weight, pointing out that Edelman weighs about 80 pounds more than Lima, but they are the same height at 5'10". BULLSHIT! Either she’s a 6-footer (which is a

‘Threive’ words in your post that made me smile:

People say the same thing about Courtney Love with Kurt. His case was also chock-full of errors by SPD. Isn’t it a little easier to believe that cops in the 90s were inept and incompetent?

Doesn’t it remind you of other organizations that have had child sex abuse scandals in the last decade or so? Just to name two: Catholic Church and Boy Scouts of America BOTH disregarded complaints and rumors, and merely sent the offender somewhere else to new victims. It doesn’t make any fucking sense.

Want to know something funny about this? I’m from Seattle, and when I was in high school in 2004, Washington tried to pass a gay marriage bill, but it fell flat. This was during basketball season, and more than one gay women’s basketball player sat during the National Anthem before games to protest. I think it even

As a sports fan and former collegiate athlete (JuCo, but similar rules/regulations as NCAA) I already had my issues with college sports; it started with a frustration with how funds are allocated, but turned into disgust at the blind eyes consistently turned to domestic assault/sexual violence. Penn State wasn’t the

Thanks again, that was a great reply. Situations like these are always more than they seem! Many people that I spoke with did not agree with the sanctions and thought the entire ‘punishment’ was ridiculous; some called for the Death Penalty on the program, but I think that was after the uproar about JoePa and an

Sorry if that first reply came off as insensitive; the entire situation is tragic on every level and I feel for anyone that once looked up to him. I’m sure when you initially heard about the investigation that you never expected Joe Pa’s name to come up; everything Sandusky did was shocking alone, but learning that a

Thanks for the reply, your response was exactly what I was hoping for, because living on the other side of the country, (PacNW) we only hear what the media gives us. It seemed, just from the scope of time and number of victims, that it would have been impossible that only the coaches and a few of their superiors were

Thanks for the reply, I know it’s not easy to get your bubble burst and lose a hero. PSU is not the only school that condones sexual abuse/violence if it means more wins; the entire program simply put a heavy priority on football over the welfare of children with their silence, and that shit has consequences. I’m sure