
Sorry for all the direct questions, this is really an open discussion to all the other people that replied to you too. I’m curious what people think/feel, who were actually there and immersed in the community.

Are you a Pennsylvania native too? A friend of mine that lived in Philly when the scandal dropped said that people lost their goddamned minds when the allegations surfaced.

Were there any rumblings of this scandal while you were there? Any strange rumors, or a feeling that something was about to surface?

I starred you by the time I got to ‘Malibu Stacy’.

God help that man if he ever tries to go downtown on Seahawks game day...

Just don’t Jynx yourself by overthinking it. Maybe take a Rhydon a bike to clear your thoughts, then go out there and Exeggcute this shit the way you know how.

I would give up front row tickets to Hamilton to watch your husband perform in ‘Cell Block Tango Pt. II’ with the new Murderess Row..if only because it’s easily one of my favorite songs from a musical/theatrical production.

I was born in LA in the late 80s, so I missed out on his and Joe Montana’s California years, but definitely heard enough about both to know they were products of SoCal. I most definitely remember Marcus being on the Chiefs when I was in elementary school (am I really stretching my memory here, but didn’t a very young

Right you are, sir: Marcus Allen was drafted by the Raiders in the mid 80s and was on the Chiefs by the time the drama started. Thanks Wikipedia!

Wasn’t Marcus on the Raiders in the mid 90s?

Probably screwin’ the milk man

Between her and her shitbag husband, she’s practically the Johnny Manziel of women’s soccer... Hope ‘Fuckin’ Futbol’ Solo?

We’ve seen some incredible female stars rise in the last few years, and with that comes major upsets. In the last year alone, we have seen Serena Williams and Ronda Rousey—two absolute dominant forces in their field—that lost in underwhelming performances to underdogs; I think the USWNT is something similar. I could

That sounds like something from a Mr. Bean movie

I swear, it’s like my kid is 5 going on 30. She’s so bright!—every night she reminds me when it’s time to make dinner, and watches me prep with an intense focus (I think she’s going to be a cook, just like her mama!)
I just have to make sure we go outside and get some exercise on the daily, or else she gets all fired

Zoom zoom zoom (make my heart go) BOOM BOOM, my super nova girl (squirrel)

How the hell do you pronounce a name like ‘Dowell Loggains’?

Cologne cleansers.

If you’re 13 and you think something is dumb, that means it’s REALLY dumb.

Now playing

Not sure if any other Seattle residents remember, but back in Ichiro’s heyday as a Mariner, he had a rap song about him. They played it on the radio and at games as his walk-up song: