
Caillou is the absolute worst, without an ounce of hyperbole. Let’s start with the fact that he has cancer and the producers and writers won’t just come out and say it. Or we could go in on how the budget is so cheap they have a damn cloud surrounding the picture so they don’t have to shittily animate as much (which

Yeah, they even called out the reference pretty directly in-film by having the First Order resemble the Nazis. Especially the big speech moment, which was about as “Triumph of the Will” as it gets.

It’s much more likely that Snoke perhaps fled after his apprentice attempted to murder him, but convinced him he had succeeded, and disappeared to bide his time. A Master with power over Death...

Er, in real-world, non-galactic soap-opera examples, the Third Reich came to power only 16 years after the German/Prussian Military machine was destroyed by WWI and went on to commit all the highly technological atrocities they did. During the ‘20s, the Germans were so broke due to reparations and the currency so