Mistakes were made

Blizzard sure likes it’s women bloodthirsty.

Exactly this. If they start having any less employees at the front of the store people will just walk out door without paying for anything.

So he can only stand up for what he believes in if he’s willing to be fined thousands of dollars by the NFL every week?

I’ve always wanted to grow up to be a “Fuld Uree Tear.”

Anyone who thinks you should be able to read a byline?

Nothing beats getting called a “dumb jew bitch,” a Nazi, and Joseph Goebbels.

Yes, I’ve been followed by every sub-blog in which I was followed by the main blog. So much power!

Shut the fuck up.

As expected, I’m seeing a lot of cat apologists on this thread. They’re trying to blame Batman. Exactly what a cat would do.

So, according to this chart, cats are the cause of divorce.

Well you can still play it that way. You don’t need to do invasions if you don’t want to. They’ve also been bringing that back for the newer areas. For the longest time you couldn’t even fly in WoD until they eventually relented and added a quest.

Who gets married on a Wednesday?

Good thing they’re regulating what Muslim women can wear to the beach. I hear it’s the most effective deterrent to future terrorist attacks.

After having lived in Wyoming I would bet my house that she’ll win. The coveted (R) next to her name on the ballot is all she needs come November and has achieved that. It’s basically in the bag already.

Yes, I hear that paperwork is great at stopping bullets.

She’s an integral part to our premiere franchise Super Smash Brothers.- Nintendo

This is true. But Central America is part of North America as well. It’s just a region name, not an actual continent.

No one actually knows what the fuck they’re doing in Excel. Hell, I don’t even know and I taught classes on it.

He looks like a blacksmith who is happy to tell you about the history of this little village in Skyrim.

Please don’t insult peanuts. What have they ever done to you?