Mistakes were made

If you wait it’ll be $30 for about a ~10 hour game once they release it at retail.

Anyone else just “meh” on I Am Setsuna? I’m maybe 8 hours in, but I just haven’t had much motivation to continue. Can’t really put my finger on why. I was really excited for the game prior to release.

Maybe because they were a top 5 passing offense last year? Probably not a good idea to go away from your future HoF QB until after he stops playing at a Pro Bowl level.

I can’t wait to watch him eat Pence’s lunch like Biden did to Paul Ryan back in the 2012 VP debate.

You don’t need to explain Rocket League to me. I’m a 30 year old man with a wife and I’m about that life. But I do get tired of 14 year olds calling me a cunt when I’m just trying to play some Overwatch. I feel like an old man just trying to hang on to my youth.

Come on, you really need to open your eyes.

I was a little surprised at Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Bill Clinton’s speech last night.

More like Project Redlight, amirite?

I’m feeling caught in a landslide, that’s for sure.

The fans scare me more than anything. I believe it was on Jezebel that they chronicled going to a live show for some Youtube folk. It was then that I realized that this new world order has left me behind.

Is this real life?

You mean the guy who can be damaged while teleporting and can’t move? The guy who can’t fly? The guy who needs to be at point blank range? The guy who can only heal himself after he kills the person. Give me a break. Pharah has a ton of mobility, great damage, and the best range in the game. She doesn’t need more

I don’t agree with this at all. The sniper counters are clearly the flankers. Reaper, Tracer, Genji, even D.Va. The best counter to a sniper is to get in their face and put them at a disadvantage. It’s not trying to out snipe them with an inferior long range kit.

C’mon, cut him some slack. It’s his first election. He’s eager to share that one article he read that “opened his eyes.”

Christ you’re a fucking idiot. Yeah, it’s fucking Gawker’s fault. Not the post RNC bump, DNC e-mail hacks, etc. It’s Gawker Media. Shut the hell up.

Don’t be so fucking melodramatic.

Reinhardt still has his place. Her matrix is still too narrow to provide great coverage for teammates. People also still like to play her as a flanker/harasser as well (as evidence by Kirk’s post) which means there’s no one to protect teammates/push the payload without another tank. While Winston has always been

“The best one, if we’re using “best” very loosely, is probably this 2011 CNBC listicle, which is illustrated with an image of a woman robbing a bank by crouching with a gun in sexy heels and an extremely tight, movement-restricting dress, as you do.”

This reminds me of a few people I know that say “I don’t like to read.”(I.e. books) Yet, they spend more time reading social media and news stories on the internet than anyone I know.

Sounds like from the story that it was ecstasy. People take ecstasy all the time and don’t get raped for it.