
I know it’s hard thinking you’re the center of the universe but just because you don’t like something doesn’t mean everyone else hates it too. Sorry to rip that bandaid off.

Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit.

This was my favorite part of Gw2 - I got the game for free during a shitty part of my life where I was living with an unmotivated and unemployed now ex-girlfriend and was struggling to keep us afloat so I created a persona; “Egnards the Great”. I would go from boss to boss telling really corny jokes all night for tip

A great example for the d-bags who like to say “Kotaku is just clickbait.” Good stuff.

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.

Props for reporting on this - I wouldn’t have heard about it otherwise. It’s good to see that most industries are pulling back the shades on sexual harassment and assault right now.

I’m sorry to hear you’re in a dark place. Please don’t be afraid to reach out for help if you feel you need it. There are a lot of resources alongside any friends or family who might lend an open ear.

I’m mentally in too dark a place to be reading and responding to these articles, but right now I wish upon him, tenfold the hurt and humiliation she endured.

If they want residuals they can strike too.

So this clown is treating sexual assault like a kid would treat breaking something in their house and not telling their parents. WTF is wrong with people these days? We just keep hearing more and more stories like this and yet people don’t seem to learn anything.