
Dear lord, that was a roller coaster and half. Best piece of entertainment this year.

Doc, your posts always make me sit up and “listen”. A lot of stuff you give advice on are topics probably most of us have thought about, been through or even going through at the moment. So I am always thankful to see your posts when they come online and make ready for the some real stuff to learn and hopefully

Now this, this is some damn juicy internet drama. I love it.

Hear hear!

I can see what you mean, but even with those flaws I still enjoyed it very much, each to their own, mate =)

Well, if you didn’t like it that’s fair enough, we can’t all like everything. And thanks for giving a decent answer rather than writing something toxic.

Your butthurt tears are delish! Please cry some more, I haz got cravingz

How was it terrible?

The trailer just convinced me to buy the console, the game and even the soundtrack. I’m shaking from the music and the goosebumps are coming and going with every crescendo. Been a long time since a Zelda game, or actually any game, made me feel like this.

Ghost in the Shell gave me the same feeling of quality. Sans the sequels of course. It was a masterpiece by itself.

Reading your comments I’d say the old fogey around here is more likely you. Have fun with your crappy narrative, weeabo.

I just don’t get what people see in those books... they’re like Days of our Lives but with dragons and bad erotica. Almost the same as The Wheel of Time series in terms of convoluted politics and bullshit drama, as well as odd character development....
Give me a any adaptation of of Steven Eriksons The Malazan Book of

Journey wasn’t a long game. But I wept at the beauty of it and THAT made it worth any price. I think I’ll buy Firewatch and hope that we get more games like these made by people like Jane.