Nope, they are still white.
Nope, they are still white.
Sadism for sadism’s sake is the Republican mantra.
Exactly. These are the Hillary supporting PUMAs that refused to support Obama and he won despite them because he knew how to campaign in swing states.
In the market for *sturdy* double old fashioned glasses. I’ve been through most of the listed ones and they chip within a couple years. Taking suggestions if anyone has other recommendations.
In the market for *sturdy* double old fashioned glasses. I’ve been through most of the listed ones and they chip…
The only good thing about Obamacare is the pre-existing conditions bit, but that’s because I have genetically determined issues despite leading an impeccably healthy lifestyle.
I have an app called shouty on my phone with a whole bunch of prepared notes on it. It’s mostly useful for ordering drinks in loud clubs, communicating on the subway and chatting with some of my deafer friends. Honestly, having inappropriate people seeing my reaction to them is hardly ever on my list of things to be…
Gingerbread dildos for everyone this Xmas.
If she had bothered to campaign instead of ignoring a bunch of states she probably would have won more than just the popular vote. But sure, learn nothing from her mistakes other than to place blame elsewhere and never accept personal responsibility.
This will also help us know which Dems to primary and Repubs to target if they vote against gun control. I’m all for making all of them document their positions in the form of a vote instead of some politispeak nonsense.
Columbian food isn’t necessarily bland but it can be one dimensional. Flavor tends to be a gradient from English food (leaving out the Scots who won’t let go of their over spiced square sausage) to European to African to Asian and layer upon layer of complexity.
American chicken isn't good enough flavor. Chicken in Asia, Europe and South America tastes completely different. When I first came to the US, I didn't get the joke about "tastes like chicken" because that actually is a distinct taste elsewhere.
If your black “friends” don’t warn you about blackface, they don’t think you’re their friend and you should take that as a hint to be a better ally.
Well this is a good reason to call your representatives and insist they not vote Pelosi and Schumer back into any position of negotiating power.
Eh, if building a wall can win it for some people, giving out impractical ideas from the other end of the spectrum could win it too. Numbers only matter after you win.
At least Bernie didn’t call us “Boys” like Hillary did when we supported Obama. So he may be a little bit less racist than the previous choice.
At least Biden would have been handsy with more women than Trump.
The Democrat elders have been really good at crushing young leftist talent and futures. So Bernie has no choice but to run. Even your entire rant couldn’t actually name a single young person who is equally as left as Bernie. So there’s no choice but to keep running Bernie.
OMG, I am so aroused right now.
If she were smart, she would have gotten a sibling to release their DNA test instead of sticking herself into this mess.
Best headline of the day.