Woof LikeABear

Spare the guillotine, spoil the fascist.

When you’re storm troopers for the Empire...

So it’s beating paying to go to a gym to lose weight. If this were HamNo, he’d be giving her pointers on her work (out) while crucifying capitalism.

Hopefully we have someone in line to primary Jeffries. Letting stuff like this slide is not how you take over a party.

In the face of actual physical evidence of violence, to support someone instead of rethinking your relationship of them just doesn't compute in my brain. Is this where you sacrifice your decency and morals to stand behind someone who will further your career or influence? I don't have this kind of craving for power so

This. Save the punching walls for when you're alone. Losing self-control, even against inanimate objects is threatening behaviour.

It’s not just about optics, it’s also about having a new generation of people able to lead. It galls me that Republicans have rules for how most of their positions are assigned and their teatard talents are nurtured into horrible leaders and Dems have a clusterf*ck that suppresses all the new talent that we finally

Now playing

Anyone that doesn’t come across as a Trump level train wreck when put in front of a camera and microphone.

Pelosi is only good at getting things done that she wants. This is why we don’t have better healthcare and this is why she needs to go. I’m sick of getting centrist corporatist shit done.

Eh, if 5 white guys is all it takes to get a lefty in there, I’m willing to throw them all under the bus.

She’s too old as well. It’s way past time that we let younger people into positions of leadership to maybe try and fix things because us olds have been fucking things up long enough.

TV prices are a dollar lower on Amazon. Is there an advantage to buying them from Walmart?

TV prices are a dollar lower on Amazon. Is there an advantage to buying them from Walmart?

She lost me at her bipartisan speech. If the blue-dogs get rid of her despite her pandering to them at every juncture, good for them.

I’m glad the press is getting what’s coming to them for saddling us with Trump and turning the democrats into their beaten spouse.

I’m sure Pelosi will establish a bipartisan commission to study this.

And these are the same people Pelosi is now trying to be all bipartisanish with. 

Definitely voting Yes on 1. Having to fill out unsafe staffing forms and suffer retaliation for doing so instead of endangering patients isn’t the kind of decision I want nurses making when taking care of me.

That looks like a nice getup. If I hadn’t spent so many manhours collating my media into a central NAS with DLNA playback at the TV, I would be severely tempted.

I’ve roasted and rotisseried whole chickens before and I will still spatchcock my chicken first and then put it on a rack over a pan with raised edges. Speaking from experience, it makes for easier cleanup, less cooking time and far more even cooking of the chicken. #ForeverSpatchcock