Woof LikeABear

I think we’re lying to ourselves by believing this. There isn’t an over-abundance of white supremacists in the police. It’s equivalent to the general distribution in the populace and that is a fucking scary thought and no melanin-gifted person should be letting their guard down.

So after all that, the only reason you’re alive to troll today is because you’re white.

It’s all fun and games until the cops don’t agree with your self-identification.

Cubans beat them to it already. 

From the most recent poll, 32% are currently proud of the Trumpus, so that’s pretty accurate.

Funny you mention it, since Fox News and Herald Sun have a common owner.

The country is split in three. One third of the country wants to kill and enslave the other third while the centrist third wring their hands about how the country is splitting in two and being concern trolls that those being killed might resist.

This. If Democrats can’t be arsed to prosecute torturers and war criminals because they served in a Republican administration, and those very same people keep coming back in subsequent administrations in even higher positions of power, what’s the fucking point? This is why I keep having crises of conscience each time

Thanks, but arugula tastes better and I don’t need to shred it.

Have you tried chard?  I try to mix it up and use whatever is growing in my garden and the chard yield is usual my greater than any mustard greens.

“Democratic primary voters are showing a clear preference for candidates who are women and people of color”

And projection. Whatever they accuse others of is something they want to do.

How is it a change of clothes if she put on the same shirt after turning it around?

People honestly don’t remember all the free air time the media gave empty podiums while airing replays from previous appearances because 45 was going to be there in several hours? Analyses have put 45 as having gotten 50% more media coverage than Hillary. And when these analyses come to conclusions like this:

And when that happens, the Dems will meme it with "But his emails..".

Actually her soon-to-be constituents are that critical part of democracy. Not the anti-left media. More democratic politicians should be barring Fox from their events - would make me more willing to vote for them.

There was a post-Bush America too, that pandered to instead of prosecuting all the torturers and criminals and policies of the Bush administration which in turn has allowed them to come back into power in even more powerful positions. So that’s not exactly a hopeful message.

I’d like to know from whom you buy your pants - because a 34 old navy pants is fitted for like a 38" waist and 36" for levis and whatever the fuck llbean decides each season for their cargo pants. To the point it’s less hassle for me to get my cargos and jeans tailored.

Wait, I thought women had already figured out to wear men’s clothing? Or is that just what the butches I know do? and I don’t know enough femmes well enough to ask.