
Yeah, no. If you're ambivalent to rock music in general, that's fine, otherwise this is clearly a towering masterpiece. The only real question is whether it's better than 'White Light/White Heat' and the third album. And it's not, cause those are masterpieces as well. And Live 1969 is also pretty kick ass. What a

Yes, that's a scienterrifically proven fact. I approve of these movies because I enjoy Milla being a movie star of sorts.

I really liked Dead Man's Chest. Cool hybrid of Empire Strikes back and Temple Of Doom. At Worlds End was a chore and I never saw the last one.

Wrong coast. I believe it's Langley BC

The twist is that her Northeastern US hometown is actually in Southwestern Canada!

We gave and he took. Cigarettes are expensive in Canada and he was working for the Fox network, so…

Back in the day me and my friends used to do extra work on 21 Jump Street. Depp was always bumming our smokes. That's all I've got.

But she is doing a tv show, with Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. Granted, it's more prestigious than this, but still…

Batman & Robin is an interesting, memorable film. It has personality, revolting as it may be. Nobody will be talking about ASM2 20 years from now.

Frankly, they have higher standards. I can't believe this fucking thing exists.

This show is a nice reminder of just how great 24 Hour Party People is.

Murphy and Rourke are also.. not terribly well liked in Hollywood. Stallone might not be either.

It's playing in Vancouver! It's playing in Vancouver! I don't think we've had a 70mm release here since Branagh's Hamlet, that's so cool.

They're not cheap, though. The last one cost $110 million, and it earned a good deal less than the original. And given that these Part 3 Part 1 things are inevitably the least popular films in their franchises, I think there is a very good chance this will lose money. Cash machines like Harry Potter and The Hunger

Theaters don't take anything close to half. They make their money at the concessions. The box office is hugely slanted to the studios and/or distributors.

I'll never understand how anyone expected to make money on this movie. It's weird and cold and mean and it doesn't like you. It's also fun as fuck and one of the very best things that Scott has done since at least the highly underrated Hannibal. I love this ugly fucking thing.

Yeah, I'm with you. That was a really good trailer, but I can't remember the last time I deeply, viscerally hated a movie like I did Birdman.

Just kill Burke the first time you see him in Moriarity's (everybody in the saloon will be fine with that), then go disarm the bomb.