
It's undeniably a real mental condition, but I don't think calling it a 'sexuality' really changes anything – not sure why this line of thought is helpful, it seems to just naturalise a not clearly natural condition, which you seem to contest (I'm inclined to think of sexual orientation also as largely developmental)

I'm not saying those social factors are sufficient to create a pedophile, that's obviously ridiculous, I agree. I just think it's a bold and commendable move to contextualise the character, helping break down the idea of sexual deviants as natural aberrations that can only be excised from society once discovered. I

I agree, I thought this episode accomplished an amazing feat in building Kenny's character up before adding the final brick of his pedophilia. Instead of presenting a character like 'drone guy' who immediate evokes our condemnation, it forces us to consider what a pedophile actually is. Kenny is presented as having an

If you take it as a 1st person score, representing Louis' personal state rather than the objective morality of what's going on, it makes a lot more sense. Threw me off a bit as well, I guess its because we're used to 'look how bad this guy is' scores, rather than 'yes! I'm finally making my break being a morally void