Woody Phillips

I wikipedia the lives of all upcoming Biopic subjects anyway, so it doesn't really make any difference to me


After a while it turned into 'butts in a can of lye'

I have been memed.

You get no cube. NO CUBE. YOU GET NOTHING.

Not GRRM's convention, but it is conventional.

Hah, he's the same age as me. This is a relief because seeing younger dudes looking like dope ladykillers really grates on my self-esteem.

It's like autopilot.

I find it funny how suave the actor in the show is when he's a chubby little dough-ball in the books.

I dunno, Walder Frey holds down a pretty sick soiree.

I'm resisting the urge to make the hideously obvious pun in the room.

What happened to the whole Martian story arc? I thought the show was going to take a GoT turn and reveal a secret millennia long war between the people of Earth and Mars.

Are you serious?

I'm not saying it's right, but there is still a major difference between 'no' and 'yes'

The deaths are disgusting, but as I said, they're justified by the story. Ned decides to forgo his life in order to spare his family's, everyone mourns his death and Robb is propelled into rebellion.
My point is changing the scene to Drogo forcing Daenerys into sex serves the plot in no way at all, the show just goes

Okay admittedly I haven't got to that part of the books, but from the excerpt above, both instances seem classically GRRM perverted (but hey, let's not forget it is sex), the difference is they're both ultimately consensual in the books

Some viewers may have been raped, I'm guessing much fewer murdered

I would agree, apart from the fact noted in the article that they've used rape for the sake of rape before with Daenerys and Drogo.

This fundamentally boils down to the fact that television is entertainment, and if rape is television then rape is entertainment, and this disgusts me deeply.

Butter-robot is by far my favourite character addition, I hope we see more of him in future