woody allen baby rapist1

thanks. "woody Allen baby rapist" without the "1" is already taken. :)

He took her on walks at Farrow's request at age 12 /13 to help her get over her fear of adult men . At 15 / 16 he began taking her out regularly for what farrow thought were healthy father daughter bonding experiences. He had the relationship of step father to Soon Yi.

The pictures were found when she was between 18 - 22, with her & her family publicly acknowledging her age as being 19. The sexual relationship began when she was a jr in high school at most, or possibly younger. No one knows the date the photos were taken with some evidence that they were taken while she was in high

Here's an excerpt from an article about Allen's relationship to the Farrows in 1991:

The molestation began in Soon - Yi's jr year of high school, or earlier. So underage is right.

"And that Woody Allen - who was supposedly obsessed with Dylan - didn't try to get custody of her, even before the allegations were made."

No one knows anything happened. The rich have carte blanche to commit any deed, no matter how fiendish, and history is speculative fiction riddled with lies of omission, distortions and outright falsehoods . There's enough evidence so I'm comfortable saying "I know well enough." Woody Allen raped his daughter and