woody allen baby rapist

I prefer early Woody Allen: the period in which he didn't coerce his de facto step daughter, his "social daughter," into a sexual relationship, while raping his 7 year old daughter

They acts aren't recent; they took place about 15 years ago

Moses Farrow "disappeared into the woods" on the day Woody Allen raped his daughter. How could he know Allen wasn't alone with Dylan?

No movies for me which employ actors who coerce their own daughters into sex acts/ marry them, or violently rape their daughters. Thanks!

Woody Allen refused a test conducted by the police and claims to have "passed" one handled by his legal team about which no one in his camp seems to be able to provide any info on that might establish its credibility, including pretty basic info like who administered it.

Polanski claims the sex was consensual, he thought she was older— and was the act illegal in the country he immigrated from, or escaped to? The same "shades of grey" rationale could as easily be applied to Polanski as to Allen

Please cite proof she's defended her "own brother"