
The official reason is probably because she was travelling on a tourist visa and admitted she would be workingwhile in the US, which is a violation and grounds for refusal. But its one those violationsthat on a different day is ignored and the person let through.

I’ve been turned away at customs (Toronto Pearson) before despite having a TN-1 visa and at the time residing in the US, and this was in the early aughts. This was because I was not carrying proof that I was a (an?) university graduate (Iron Rings don’t count as proof). However, I got an “Allowed to Leave” which

I had an artist friend who had this exact same thing happen to them. There’s nothing unusual here, this has been happening since before Trump even got into power. Border agents get on a power trip and just deny entry to artists going to cons because “reasons” they’ll often cite NAFTA rules regarding paperwork (even

Not sure what but something about the story rang an alarm bell in the back of my head. I dunno what, why or how but something isn’t adding up. guess we’ll probably never know.

then again I’m cynical and skeptical about everything.. so take that with a grain of salt.

Meh. Sounds a bit like Colorado.

Facts. 0.05 BAL is the law in most of western Europe. Some are even more strict. Welcome to reality America. Expect this to become law in most of the country over the next decade.

I am going to guess that your household income is greater than the majority of people based on the vehicles you listed. It is a guess and I could be wrong, but in order to resolve the issue in the article, we will need 250+ mile EV’s that can be had for approx. $20k. Until then, the average person just wont be able to

Science tip: One of the isotopes of potassium (which makes up 4 thousandths of your body’s atoms) is radioactive. Every person in this world is born with traces of radiation. Not because of nuclear explosions, just because of atoms.

Terrell is a gaping hatchetwound. RIP Foxtrot Alpha

We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.

I had a ton of Mormon friends in high school... my senior year prom date was Mormon. I went to their churches, dances, and a few basketball games. Normal kids, normal parents, normal religious people... until you broke a rule, then your became an outcast of sorts. Everyone in the church knew your infraction.. They

I’ve read and studied extensively all 900+ pages of the Book of Mormon (500pages) and the revelations (400 pages) as well as the New and Old Testaments, Joseph’s journals, the journals and behavior of his contemporaries, including those who opposed him, and other church history documents—histories, council minutes,

And yet I hold two MS Degrees, and am PhD candidate in AI and cognitive systems, and have taught at the university level.

I stand by my assertion. Mormons believe deeply what they believe and you do too. Just because they were politically active in a cause that you were opposed to does not make the entire organization a political one. There were some local members that were very adept at organizing and had the money and time to do so.

There are nine versions that the church historians have identified.  

That’s the thing about all of these leaks: they’re not rocking any Mormon’s world. The only one I was remotely surprised about was how much top leaders are getting paid, but even that doesn’t surprise me when I think about it a little bit. This “enemies list” is just leaders trying to combat forces that are stealing

That’s about what I expected as a Jack Mormon living in Utah. “Disagree with current policies” is an obvious one, and so is pornography - I’ve watched the Men’s Priesthood sessions on and off over the years, and railing against pornography is a fairly constant topic (which tells you how incorrigible folks are here).

If a company has an internal PowerPoint referencing what is basically a SWOT analysis, it’s no big deal, but now that it is the Mormon church we are all upset?

Wait they only make $120,000 for a 7 BILLION dollar organization? And people are upset by that? By religious standards that doesn’t even qualify as grift. I legitimately stopped reading right there.