
Thinking conservatives are cartoon villains until you have a conversation with one.

....jk, thinking that forever.

Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be called defending the Trumps, but I work in the nonprofit sector and there is nothing legally binding here unless a specific contract was drawn up, which wouldn’t be likely. A foundation can give to any charity they want (their personal bylaws may direct for specific causes, but many

You are correct in that it is a shitty thing to do, and may be legally right and ethically wrong, but non-profits have to deal with this kind of crap a lot. Because there is no real tangible item that is exchanged for money, people feel like they can back out. But Trump being upset about not getting the charitable tax

I don’t know. Unless any and all donations that were given to the Eric Trump Foundation were specifically for St. Jude’s, it is all on the up and up. They can buy tables or sponsor whatever they want. I would want to contact St. Jude’s and see what the agreement was with the Eric Trump Foundation. Typically, a

He qualifies it by saying to hunt down radicalized Muslims (once identified), not every Muslim. Its one thing to post a stupid Facebook post (which it is), its another to post a stupid news article based on a willful misreading. Isn’t this what we were excoriating the alt-right for during the election?

Electric cars are for rich people anyway. Not only that, but someone like me isn’t going to be interested in them until they’re as convenient as gasoline or diesel vehicles. If I can’t do a long road trip in an electric vehicle in the same amount of time I can do it in a gasoline car, then it’s useless to me.

More appropriate headline:

The entire point of this “edgy” article was to troll people into this kind of response so that commenters can pat themselves on the back when they attack you. By the logic used in this article, literally every single hate crime is an act of terrorism... which may or may not be true depending on what definitions of the

Terrorism definition.

Except they do have legal authority. I’m really surprised that this is surprising to you; bail bondsman are as common as... bail.

Why are you just now learning about bail agents aka bounty hunters? They’ve been around for a long time. You don’t just walk into an office and tell people you’re a bounty hunter. You have to go through the pre reqs of course.

Yeah, they totally screwed it up, I just find it odd that it seems that you really didn’t know that this was a thing, hell, there were a couple of TV shows about bounty hunting up until a couple of years ago.

This article recap failed to mention a pretty key aspect of the sculpture: it doubles as a “playground” in that children can and have used it as a play structure where it was previously installed. Based on what I read, the center even circulated images that showed a mock up of children playing on the sculpture.

Co-opting? Marginalizing? Hate crime?

So, true story:
Back when I was working for an insurance company out of a Ford body shop, during the Cash for Clunkers days, a late-80's F150 with the I6 and four speed manual got traded in as a clunker.
The practice to render clunkers inoperable was to drain the fluids, dump sand in the engine, and then run it until it

This just proves that is the worst possible response.

“For volunteers they sure seem to get paid a lot.”

Who will pay for it? I’m all about green jobs, but I’m not giving a dime to autonomous vehicles.

I feel like the lesson here is that if you’re asked to leave the plane, even for the most unjustified, senseless, maybe even racist or bigoted reason imaginable, then leave the plane and fight your battle on the ground. Because if you don’t, you’re still going to be exiting the plane, just maybe with a broken face as

I can see some bowing to political pressure, but many of these were probably long overdue for relocation or removal. However, I still support the idea of a memorial for people like RE Lee — who was such a horrible man (/s), Lincoln initially offered him command of the Union. To me, there’s a huge difference between