Wood Rat Hawk

A student of history would understand that Chinese people, all 1.4 billion of them (ok smaller than that, the Han Chinese, all 1.25 billion of them), universally believe that Uighers sell weed and are rather shifty blokes who need to heed instruction from true Chinese

Justin Anderson is the tough one, because he is getting hit in the head and coming back for more, and in the head, u know, is the brain...

Dion, being refined sugar made man, will be dealt with accordingly

scientific evidence, ha. sounds like some sheep mentality

Steph has been working on the 2/3 court heave with 18 left on the shot clock

hence the miss...you will be talking out the other side of your center line when they start going in JUST AS PLANNED

depends on how quick his release is

and that was after he was rechristened Flaming Faggot

This. It’s the logical next phase in Harden’s pitter patter game: iso-dribbling, sizing up his man for 10 seconds, then taking a Euro-step FROM A STANDSTILL HESI to body past his helpless man (already leaning one way to try and bother the nigh unbotherable side step and step back 3s) and get into the paint for a

listen, its just that they don’t like the idea of girls making money from playing video games. also, they just simply don’t like girls using their sexuality for anything other than having sex, that’s y they call them thots. hoes making money doing fun things is just not ok for thsi community, ok?

Lots wife was hot too, you should know

Agreed, except for this line: “So they could have been anything, and whatever they were at the moment...was something they were unlikely to be very for very long; some sense of what they might become or when or how they would get there was probably latent in what they were then, but much clearer in retrospect than it

He’s just trying to be less soft, more like Kobe. 

“Let this be a lesson to the rest of you snakes that haven’t bit me yet. Don’t end up like Cleopatra Sr.” [points to snakeskin on the wall]

this man gave us “Thriller”, and you think he touched those kids? GTF- oh wrong one 

Someone in this party did, they said “No Mike, GO Mike

i’d put MLB first for the 60 foot windup haymakers. Also, add Stephen Jackson, Ron Artest, Charles Oakley, the Davis bros., Matt Barnes, Chris Childs (“I told Kobe, don’t do it, Chris is street” - Shaq), Charles Barkley (especially if there’s a plate glass window around), Gary Payton, Draymond Green, Delonte West (the

this deserves a galaxy

He’s certainly no Steve Rogers

* and the officer who tased/tazed you has to get a lil taze/tase of his own medicine.