woodle + obama 4ever

Things are a lot different now than they were in 2016.

The real DeepState is the doctors who gave this man a clean bill of health.

She joins a long line of nasty women who have gotten under Trump’s skin. Trump is a he man women hater, which makes Biden’s claim only he can beat Trump even more foolish. His failing mind might prove Warren’s assertion that Trump might not be on the ballot in 2020 correct. A calm wise woman is the perfect Trump

Plus that retweeting that nutjob calling Trump the “King of Israel” and “second coming of God” which would I guess make Trump the Jewish Jesus. Looking forward to Trump walking on water tomorrow to retrieve an errant ball. JFC. How much longer will the GOP let this reality trainwreck go on?

Yeah, it feels like he’s out of control but has realized that there is no one to discipline him so he just gets more out of control. 

Trump called the Prime Minister of Denmark’s comments “nasty”. Let me just look up the Danish Prime Minister real quick...

He is getting worse. The more it becomes apparent that we are headed for a recession and that he is tanking in the polls, particularly his head to head match ups with the democratic front runners, the more insane and desperate he will get.  The suspend the constitution, get us into a war with Iran kind of desperate,

No of course not. This weird obsession people have with her being some kind of evil nemesis is odd.  Wish Bernie hadn’t run as well; his bros are already shitting on Warren and it’s only going to get worse.  If we could just completely leave behind the baggage of 2016, it would be great.

I don’t think that’s what she’s implying at all. It’s just a joke.

Man I definitely thought that HRC tweet was just her (her team) being cute with Lizzo? Are people seriously thinking she is gonna run?

I feel very much the same way. It’s obvious she loves this country and the people in it, and she genuinely wants to make life (and the country) better. She’s put a lot of thought and effort into her plans. I’d be honestly thrilled with her as our POTUS.

It’s very interesting how I’m as excited for Senator Warren as I was for President Obama. But I’m excited in different ways. It’s very funny because it reflects how I’ve aged. President Obama was the leader I wanted but Senator Warren is proposing policies that would create the country I would be much more excited to

Does it seem like Trump is getting worse? It feels like the Greenland/Antisemitism/Birthright Citizenship would have been a week of stories a year ago and now it’s happening all on one day. 

Unhinged doesn't even begin to cover it. I have no words. 

I do not think she’s running, I do think she is enjoying twitter, or has a really good social media person.

C’mon heart attack...or stroke. It’s gotta be any day now, and while Pence is evil, he also has all the charisma of a boulder and should be easy to defeat in 2020.

She’s the most qualified candidate we’ve had, and she’d rock the shit out of being president. She does her homework.

Idgaf at this point. I wanna vote for Hillary again. None of this makes sense again and I’m still all in with that bitch. 

I miss Brittany. There was something a little more real than her contemporaries. She was special. If she had lived I can picture her being down for a while then making a comeback in a Tarantino movie. 

I would NEVER pick up a Dr Pepper Lip Smackers, because I hate Dr Pepper. But like ALL of my friends did. Also, I really related to Molly in Uptown Girls AND I was just feeling really sad the other day that she died.