woodle + obama 4ever

If there is a significant Covid outbreak in a communal living environment, like a dorm, it’s going to spread quickly and there’s a decent chance they’ll lock it down with students being sent home or barred from leaving their rooms for some amount of weeks. Hospital is probably not the right analogy, but I’m not sure a

Being emotionally prepared for death is good advice all the time.

I’m not sure which colleges you’re referring to, but approximately 30% of our revenue comes from money made on room/board. The last institution I worked at made less, I think about 15-20% of total institutional revenue (was public 4 year, not private) for a variety of reasons, but it’s a big money-maker anywhere I’ve

I think it depends on the major, and what year you are. The core classes can be done remotely, but junior/senior level classes require a lot more interaction. And if your major is lab-dependent (chemistry, engineering, etc.), that’s not likely to be done remotely very well.

The vast majority of colleges are money making ventures first and foremost. They do not accept only the best and brightest, they accept only the people with the money to pay them or the ability to get loans to pay them.

The vast majority of colleges are money making ventures first and foremost. They do not accept only the best and brightest, they accept only the people with the money to pay them or the ability to get loans to pay them.

My students say they prefer the connection of face to face (even though I’m teaching them from behind a mask and face shield. I’m teaching a class that’s online and in person at the same time.  Students have to sign up for in person seats as our auditorium can only hold 1/3 of them at a time with the social distancing

I assume they're mostly the same people.  It just makes sense.  Both positions basically boil down to "you can't make me think beyond myself."

And let’s not even get started on the absurdly high percentage of people who wouldn’t take a COVID-19 vaccine if offered.

Beat her to the punch and get her a card! It’ll stave off a few awkward moments when they show up.

‘Please advise.’

Well shit. Hallmark is the only thing my mom watches this time of year. She probably saw this commercial a thousand times. Guess now she'll be bringing a "special friend" to Christmas dinner. Thanks a lot, Zola.

I’d claim that this is terrible, and now I’ll never watch Hallmark Channel again, but I never watched in the first place.  How can I show my outrage correctly? If I start watching to then never watch again, wouldn’t I be giving them business, thus incentivizing their decision? And if I continue not watching, then how

Call One Million Moms what it is. A hate group 

This is consenting adults engaged in consensual acts. Regressives, please stop using your interpretation of your collection of ridiculous fairy tales written by iron-age barbarians as an excuse to control the lives of those who disagree with your nonsense.

Shitty. Zola should pull ALL their ads now and not advertise on Hallmark at all anymore.

At one point in the below teaser, she recalls weighing her reaction to Trump’s invasive behavior during their televised debates. “If I said, ‘Back up, you creep,’ would I sound angry?”

One thing it seems to me like a lot of people have forgotten is how close she came to beating Obama in ‘08. I say this because of how many people claim she’s like the least electable candidate ever and that any other Democrat would’ve beaten Trump.

“Take this one, too.”