
Beth and Matthew were the true “will they/won’t they” of NewsRadio

just seems silly to make it contemporary and not pander to the y2k nostalgia and also have a ton of easy jokes. 

In that sentence Spacey's name is being used to describe a "style" of "switcheroo". Reading comprehension is important.

Liz Lemon David Zaslav: “Cross promotional. Deal mechanics. Revenue streams. Jargon. Synergy.”
Jack Donaghy Discovery Inc. board: “That’s the best presentation I’ve ever seen. Get started right away.”

Maybe they should just cancel WH Journalist Prom for good. 

To almost everyone commenting: I understand that you don’t like The Office and you’re very proud of that.

Just know that The Office still loves you.

And for everyone reading this who loves The Office and appreciates the sweetness of the show, which, at it’s heart, is about friendship and relationships: check out the Off

Speaking of “Great Job Internet”, great job fucking up your layout on the home page. I hate it.

The thing it reminded me of was a short-lived ‘90s MTV show hosted by Jon Stewart called You Wrote it, You Watch it.

That’s awesome. I saw something similar done in Liberia years ago, some guys rigged a T-shaped antenna from a bamboo pole, a fluorescent light tube, and some copper wire. We were able to watch the World Cup out in the sticks with a TV and generator. One of my favorite memories.

That’s the whole Republican philosophy. You need to protect the rich greedy assholes or else you’ll never become a rich greedy asshole!

Now playing

The only thing I’ve gotten enjoyment out of related to Undercover Boss is this skit. Kylo Ren really is the perfect lens to show what so many real bosses are: vain, insecure, abusive. It’s patently ridiculous but also more realistic than anything on the real Undercover Boss.

Support thread for folks who found both Force Awakens and TLJ boring and realized you’ll never love Star Wars as much as you did as a child and that’s ok

Twitter was a much different place in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

I highly recommend his version of Royals with Postmodern Jukebox.

Spoiler Alert: That’s just the midpoint twist. The final twist is you will watch compilations of scenes featuring the baby on YouTube for the laughter and sheer WTF-ery.

Trump is throwing around terms like civil war and coup, but sure, let’s keep wringing our hands over some stupid movie about a comic book characters what might be inciting violence.

purists might be more upset at Phillips for turning the intriguingly mutable, multiple-choice origin story of Batman’s nemesis into what looks like a barely-connected-to-the-comics roadmap for thwarted, entitled white-guy griping.

“Well Joaquin, sorry you couldn’t be with us here tonight.”

It’s a gag. They’re all making fun of Christian Bale’s notorious freakout.