The technology has gotten so cheap, you wouldn’t need a ton of money to make a creepy, scary movie that goes straight to video or Netflix, as this one surely will. You just need creativity (and Nicolas Cage).
The technology has gotten so cheap, you wouldn’t need a ton of money to make a creepy, scary movie that goes straight to video or Netflix, as this one surely will. You just need creativity (and Nicolas Cage).
H.G. Wells’ book was published in 1896, so it’s public domain, so there’s nothing stopping him from making his passion project. I’ll bet Nicolas Gage would be glad to play Dr. Moreau ... and every other role, too. Ooh, he should do that. A version of The Island of Dr. Moreau where Nicolas Cage plays every part. I’d…
This is true. I was going through a box of comics I found in the back of the closet and found this gem. (I’m trying to upload the cover of Marvel’s Evel Knievel comic, but I don’t think it’s working.)
HEY, HOW ABOUT A SPOILER ALERT! The Sopranos is still in my queue. I’m going to watch it after I get around to watching The Wire, Downton Abbey and Breaking Bad.
I read ... OK, *scanned* this whole thing to see what he had to say about Agent Carter. I feel cheated. I’m canceling my subscription! Harrumph!
Hey, don’t forget that Dan Povenmire and Swampy Marsh went on to create “Phineas & Ferb,” which isn’t as iconic as Rocko but was really smart and funny. That’s right. I said a Disney Channel show was smart and funny.
So, half the show would be a multi-camera sitcom and the other half would presumably be a dramedy about why these women settled for such schlubs? I would totally watch that show.
Why would anyone even think of this? I mean, I can picture the screenwriters spitballing ideas with the studio brass, and they’re trying to come up with a twist, but ... this? How high would you have to be to come up with this?
“Passengers” was fine except for the whole developing-a-crush-on-a-sleeping-stranger-then-waking-her-up-and-dooming-her-to-live-the-rest-of-her-life-with-you-on-a-lonely-spaceship subplot.
I’m guessing you didn’t grow up in the South.
Google translates it as “the by-world,” which has a nice ring to it.
A1) Crystal Skull wasn’t Phantom Menace-bad—it didn’t make you question why you ever liked the original movie in the first place—but it was pretty bad.
If they don’t bring back Jock and Jock’s pet snake, Reggie, I’m out.
>>Somewhere, our vice president is masturbating furiously.
SNL premiered on Oct. 11, 1975. This Oct. 18 will mark the 43rd anniversary of people complaining that the show isn’t as funny as it used to be.
When I was in high school, I thought Steely Dan was a soulless studio creation and, therefore, by definition, sucked. Later, though, I realized the lyrics were kind of great and that there was nothing inherently evil about being technically proficient or crafting records so they sounded exactly the way you want them…
Saw it years ago on HBO. I remember liking it a lot. Amazon has used VHS tapes but no DVDs, and if a movie isn’t available for streaming, then it might as well not exist. That’s a real shame.
What’s Wings? -- kids today
Is “Animeh” trademarked?
The more I think about it, the more I think it might be necessary. Should a movie like Lady Bird really have to compete with a movie like Wonder Woman ... or, by the same token, should a movie like Wonder Woman have to compete with a movie like Lady Bird? How do you compare a movie that cost $10 million to make with a…