
Just one more box to go

I read that too fast & my brain thought you said “Tagalog”. Now I’m wondering how many cookies it takes to start speaking indigenous languages of the Philipines?

you could fall in love with a non-man instead?

So, I’m really struggling with the cognitive dissonance of knowing men around the world will take any opportunity to keep women down and the idea that I’m supposed to fall in love with one.

How many Girl Scout Cookies does one need to eat to be turned gay? Because, I mean, I would think if it’s a real effect it would have happened to me by now.

Should have consisted of Queen Mother with a different hat on every page.

So its a Passport for the UK to represent the people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

I will continue to pitch my sequel idea to Remedy.

A great shot, but wouldn’t be accepted; eyes need to be on the same level. MrsMonkey and I were informed this to our surprise.

I’m intrigued. I’ve always just kept a stash of black ones for shark week.

Is it weird I’m annoyed at how everyone is so pretty? Like, what’s the bloody point of having such a cute Charles Henri-Sanson? Or such a hot phantom of the Opera? What is he conflicted about - his beautiful straight nose? His pouty, kissable lips? Surely some characters could be not so hot?

“She was flogged by Romans and her daughters were raped just cuz.”

“Yeah, but make it so I can masturbate to her.”

I can’t turn my audio on because work, but was there booing in the video? Passengers rarely have much patience for other passengers being assholes, so I think they wouldn’t boo the flight crew if they didn’t think they were being arbitrary. But then again, I wasn’t on that flight.

To be fair, we don’t want them here either. Signed-America.

My fucking god. Don’t you have ANYTHING better to do with your time than try to control other women’s wombs?? You feel so entitled to other women’s reproductive choices that you actually traveled to Ireland to try and keep women there from getting the healthcare they need, too? Here’s a better tagline for these