
Are they really not prepared for people to bring books on a flight? What’s next, freaking out over magazines?

We are of a similar bent. I can’t just be still, I have to be doing something even on my lunch break at work. In nice weather I’m gardening, when it’s raining and doing things around the house either repairing, washing, tinkering etc.

I wonder about this with our kids, but also how we’d ever avoid it. Basically as soon as we get home from work the bras come off and the pajamas go on.

“My thumbs are not opposable, yet I oppose everything”

Until we know more I’m assuming that’s why the glitches are happening - editting the dialogue between the police offer and dispatch.

Or at least lay him on his side, if they didn’t feel safe untying and then retying him?

The “roar” here comes from all the people who simply don’t want to hear about this non-story. Nothing raises my hackles faster than someone shoving an issue or picture or “scandal” in my face and shouting “you should care about this!”.

Mmm, so lala

I do that. It cuts down on the mouldy smell that builds up over time in your machine.

$14 is cheap? Maybe for J Crew but I got this for £4 from Papaya

Wouldn’t stacks of buttons become really heavy to carry around. I mean, it might be fun at the bouquet toss...

My wife had her hair inspected too, and I’ve had my headscarf examined. I was in Charles de Galle and when they asked if I could remove it quickly I said probably not, since it’s pretty tight against my head and held in with pins. So woman rubbed my head all over with her fingers to feel for suspicious bumps. It

I’ve never had a wedding hook-up. However, at my best mate’s wedding, where I was one of the bridesmaids, I was propositioned by the bride’s 12-year-old nephew. I’m not sure he knew exactly what was supposed to happen in these encounters, but clearly had the idea that it involved offering to buy me a drink and the

I’m struck by how much of the graffiti is in English. I know English is taught early in schools, and I’m assuming some of that has to be cultural osmosis from American tv.

Now playing

And it happened in Cwmbran! Gotta share this, especially since the biscuit factory actually gets a shout out from Goldie Lookin Chain...

You can just see the track in this pic. It was such a good idea at the time...

I thought it would be romantic if I proposed on the top of Constitution Hill, which is about 300ft up and reached by a zig-zagging hiking path. We hadn’t expected the sun to be as hot as it was, and had to stop 3/4 of the way. I asked then and I’m shocked she said yes, rather than be cheesed-off I’d dragged her up the

I love cloth nappies (diapers). After the sheer amount of waste and expense from disposables, I’m happy to shell out for a pack of cloth ones that will last years.

My wife did during the ceremony, but I didn’t start the reception. The corseting sewn into the bodice of my dress shifted when I had to sit and stand repeatedly for the toasts, turning my awesome dream dress into to a satin iron maiden. I had to get out of that dress like yesterday, and on top of all the stress and

the closet behind it is always unlocked, so that a female patron could check to make sure no one’s spying on her before she uses the bathroom