
Man, I love that Polo R WRC

That would be so unjalop.

You, with your name "AMGftw" of all the people, should know better than to buy a new car.. lol.

Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane

It is. Harry said a previous owner replaced them with the normal ones from the SL500.

Chris Harris, Jalopnik writer.

I think my laughter at this disturbed the person in the next stall.

Guys, keep up, I've been doing this for years.

I just want to see how ridiculous Fox News will get with this War on XMas (it's XMas, not Christmas). Their anger is sooo delicious....

I understand how you could find their accents or inside jokes grating if you're not from New England, but as someone from a large Italian family rooted outside of Boston, it truly was like listening to my uncles shoot the shit about cars for an hour every weekend. So sad, and especially for Ray. They practically

If it wasn't for spinning blades of death attached to the front of this thing I would say this was hilarious.

I agree, this all sounds a little rich coming from someone as insanely wealthy as she. I think I'd feel differently if she was doing it to call attention to bigger problems, like the way Spotify and other music establishments treat non-superstar artists who could actually use the money or something. But I don't think

Music is art, and art is important and rare.

Reminds me of that South Park episodes that pokes fun at artists for complaining about music streaming/illegal downloading/what have you. I don't fault Taylor for putting value on her music and wanting people to buy it, but this was kind of a petty move. Yes, she doesn't make a lot of money from Spotify, but we're

This guarantees I will literally never hear this album.

I honestly see more Aston Martins around than I do Lamborghinis, every time I hear something about how tiny and niche they are, I have a bit of a hard time convincing myself it's true.

They're brittish, what would you expect?

It's also been reported that dash cams will now be a mandatory accessory on the ring. I support this

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