I don't see how this is relevant. Notch has on several occassions mentioned that he got his inspiration from Infiniminer.
I don't see how this is relevant. Notch has on several occassions mentioned that he got his inspiration from Infiniminer.
"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."
Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.
Why are you trying to pardon him? NK warned him and Sony months ago to NOT make and release this film but they did it anyway, thinking it was even funnier. Well, thanks to Rogen, the USA lost its first real cyber war. And I'm GLAD the movie got pulled. Sony didn't even think it was funny in the first place. Rogen is a…
People skills? Anyone? No?
I think that Jezebel just took the friend's word for it and they have not spoken to the victim, which is not okay.
It looks like the link to the ABQ journal just shows that the victim's friend is the one posting the images. Did Jezebel confirm with the victim herself or take the friend's word for it?
Anna clarified this in another comment, the images are being shared with the victim's permission and full knowledge, to help spread word about what happened.
I enjoyed watching WRC racing once upon a time when it was still shown in the USA on Speed. Thanks for a enjoyable 1:40. (That's what she she said.)
Good guy stang tells guy hes stupid without using the word stupid. +1
The fact that you [presumably] have a driver's license is slightly terrifying considering your lack of fundamental knowledge that many would consider necessary for safe operation of a motor vehicle.
Every interface between objects has TWO coefficients of friction: The static coefficient, and the kinetic coefficient.…
The Irvine Company is almost a dictatorship of the city of Irvine. Apparently, if you live in Irvine, and you are a "homeowner," you are still not the land owner, the glorious owners of Irvine were just nice enough to loan you the land you built your house on.....Which has to be painted an approved shade of beige.…
I never understand the "other people have it way worse" argument when it comes to feminism, racism, etc.
I'm always like: Great! If ours is not such a big problem then there's no reason we shouldn't be able to address it in tandem with the other "bigger" problems. Now let's get to work!
Get a Jalop into the White House! Then fix it through an executive action.
Sneak over the fence and get some photos of protos! If you get caught... I never heard of ya.
Headquartered only an hour from home. Maybe I can drop in them and pester them for info.
No way! See the raised and concave portions on some of the buttons? You can glance down at the radio, then look back up at the road as you move your hand to where you know the button to be. Your hand's proper location is verified when you feel the bump or indent that you saw during your quick glance, and when you…
Don't forget, they now make sandwiches.............. that will also make you vomit
actually I find uconnect to be shit and ford mytouch to be great....but then I understand how to use technology.