Baylor is in deep ship-lap. (Sorry, my wife controls the TV on Saturday.)
Drip, drip, drip.
This is the power that comes with not releasing the facts: in an information vacuum, everyone gets to make up their…
Anyone that thinks anything has changed at Baylor vis a vie football is, IMO, sadly mistaken. Football is still king and is still not being held accountable.
Hey, how about a spoiler warning? Some of us are waiting until Episode VIII to find out who Supreme Leader Snoke is!
Baylor University is a political quagmire that is too complex for laypeople and outsiders to understand. Believe it or not, Briles and Starr are the good guys who just want to play football and focus on raising the endowment.
It’s not rape, it’s interpersonal violence. Great. Sounds less rapey.
You can’t spell “preach” without rape.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Baylor acted like it would come clean and then didn’t actually do so. For about a…