
We prefer Soviet Canukistan.

As much as I like spectating the whole horsepower war ( I truly do), I'd be more excited in Dodge's answer to the Boss/Z28. Especially with the assumed jump to a smaller platform.

Why would I move over so they could tailgate the person ahead of me going the same speed? In the Porsche situation All traffic was going the same speed, moving over would have done nothing for anyone and it was the lane I needed to be in for where I was going as my exit was coming up on the left in a few miles.

You can't say that the driver was going slow in the left hand land without knowing her speed. Its entirely possible she was going the speed limit or above and he was still being a douche. Its happened to me. In the fast lane, going 85 and still being tailgated despite going faster than any of the other lanes, on top


Bump them down by 200hp, but give them NOS. I'm serious here, work it out so they get 30 seconds of boost 10 times per race. Put a timer on the button so it is dead for 60 seconds after each push. More passing, more chance for engine blow uppity goodness, make the drivers make strategic decisions on the fly.

Its a fucking AMBULANCE man. It has a siren, it is responding to an emergency, that means you get out of the fucking way.

I.....Ummmm...... uhhhh.... so......yea.

You want American heavy metal? Peterbilt.

Anyone remember the "Pentium-equivalent" megahertz numbers that Cyrix and AMD used to put out in the mid to late-90s, or am I just old?

Here's an idea: switch the digits to represent horsepower, rounded to the nearest 10.

Will, I feel just terrible for you that your local liquor stores don't stock the best light beer available.

Cash for Clunkers has to be considered.

I think the people of Brunei need to be "freed" next. Somebody needs to liberate that insane car collection...

Here. I think this is well earned. I'm sorry I couldn't find a frame :/

Nope, they should be humiliated, this is junk.

Sorta like Social Security and various other taxes. Especially SS, if younger generations could opt out of paying that nonsense we would definitely skip it.

I would love to give CR a half dozen classic British cars and tell them to do a proper comparison. Actually, that might make a good piece of satire the next time I am really bored.

And well, in the Frozen North they say, that the Dakota's transmission service was moved up 3 months that day. And then - the true meaning of a good samaritan came through, and the Dakota found the strength of 4.7 Liters, and a low range of two point seven two!