This is where we live now. This is news, and more over the Article doesnt say in a “first” anywhere.
This is where we live now. This is news, and more over the Article doesnt say in a “first” anywhere.
Seriously, i find it hard to believe she drinks such drivel as that.
Anyone tell me if this was the “JUMP” mod for Quake 2 that i loved to this day.
As a male...She is gorgeous, but the level of this is off the charts due to her clear confidence.
Wait wait wait...Your entire argument is...
Running away, shots in the back...hmmmm...seems open and shut to me.
This is a little like old man yells at cloud meme.
He has terrible on TV skills(yes part of that is just the Coach Speak), but he doesnt have a great personality. So dunno about a big TV gig, but i would prefer him of Milbury, because that dude is a POS. Keith Jones would be a wash.
I was going to make my own response, but this is about as close to what i was going to type as possible.
You are sooooooooooo Far off on this take.
Ehhh, Barry “Wilson’s a special guy” Trotz seems to think otherwise.
Wickstead - “oh, wow, that didnt go over well...”
Color me Shocked that.
I prefer thet CTRL + M approach.
Honestly, this will a much more effective tactic.
Kevin Durant is the best scorer in the NBA
This exact game is why im a Pens fan. Love it.
He played for...Rangers, Islanders, Devils, and Florida...color me shocked he uses that word. Other than a Venzia he’s won nothing.
Hold up...You are a Pens fan but these 2 finals/cups were less exciting than this year?