Anyone, Little help the Lead Image of the Bunny girl with the p90?
Anyone, Little help the Lead Image of the Bunny girl with the p90?
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Pretty sure that knee bends in every direction...
So I like this idea, and the fact that people were deleting miramar from their game files to avoid tells you its something people want.
No, my solo and duo win% range from 4-8%, which is not Shroud levels, but i hardly bad.
Im going to say it now...
The Irvine Company is run by a modern day Howard Hughes. anywho...
I expect some explosive reactions to this comment.
Dunno what to tell you man, you love to slap one label on this and rinse and repeat. So have fun with your “quotes” and “generalizations”, but my point that the game is flawed at its core isn’t wrong. And the suggestion to prioritize mechanics also isn’t wrong, and my suggestion that the companies focus isn’t where it…
Brooke’s Law is not this situation. First and foremore pretty sure hes quoted as saying its an “outrageous oversimplification”.
You say that like he wasnt a superstar in the NFL, so he went to college to play.
I Literally said i get how games are made. So lets pull back a realize i was speaking to one side. But since you want to discuss both, the fix to this is HIRE MORE PROGRAMMERS vs content people. If people and dwindling player base “See this post” supports this, as well the Twitch rankings, people are playing this game…
This game is hemorrhaging players, and “maps” aint the big issue.
Yoda told the perpetrators to “Apart, Heid” to help avoid their capture.
You should like that one friend who laughs to hard at bad jokes, then goes on to explain said joke, thus ruining said joke.
WHAT! American Idiot was good. Agree everywhere else.
She watchs OTNB, sure of it.
They also typed “on are side”. Sooooooooooo.
My Father in Law Spent 20 years being a City LEO, retired to the Sheriffs(10 more years so far)
Not all Soft Armour is created equal, but i wasn’t trying dispute so much .223 vs Soft as much as showing that of all the rounds they tested it wouldnt matter “that” much. Wall, desk, whatever. This guy wasnt sitting on his ass due to his vest vs rounds, he was ensuring he didnt die while others did, which i feel is…