
Here's the thing... The original trilogy are mostly "real" footage in 2D. The newer prequels are mostly CGI with some 2D real footage. So the newer ones, which are getting 3D treatments first will be easier to do and will have better 3D. The original trilogy will either have to have most of the effect work re-done

@khdownes: Man walks into a fish and chip shop and says "I'll have cod and chips twice". The guy behind the counter says "I heard you the first time".

So if a mobility scooter can do that to the doors, what would it do to the roof of an elevator cabin? I think the thought of dying in an elevator has crossed most of our minds at some point but it's usually more of a "plummeting to my death" type death than a "crushed by falling mobility scooter/Korean man combo"

The build of a major offshore wind farm in the UK has been put on hold because they have realised that wind turbines are what have been causing havoc with the air traffic radar system. They are now working with [this is not a joke btw] the company partially responsible for the Stealth Bomber's stealth material to

@NanorH: But you'll no doubt have noticed the work of the people who started out as programmers on the ZX Spectrum like Tim and Chris Stamper.

Anyone interested in how "Uncle" Clive & Co kickstarted the British computer revolution should check out Micro Men: [www.youtube.com]

I've not seen the movie in full but based on the clip above, is that brief shot prior to cutting to the head closeup actually necessary? What's more, does any woman actually stand like that? CGI or not, she looks carefully positioned so that you can't see the "rude" parts. From a suspension-of-disbelief point of view

@SilverBlade2k: Oh come one... really? It seems to me that most nudity in movies is completely unnecessary to the plot. It's usually just crowbarred in for a bit of titillation. What's more, it's completely one sided with very little male nudity. If I was a Hollywood actress with enough power to say no to stripping

@Taras Voronin: I'd definitely stay if they called in the boobies. Now if they called in the pigs that'd be a different thing...

@Tyrunn: Surely it's only drug paraphernalia if you possess some drugs and in that case a simple drug possession charge would do? Otherwise, owning a pipe, some rolling papers... even a bucket could lead to a drug paraphernalia charge! What a weird and wonderful place the USA is ;)

Aging Rocker John Mellencamp Says the Internet Has "Stolen My Cougar"

Not many Chinese PMP type handhelds in there but I suppose new ones get released quicker than the video could be edited together...

@Odin: He's right. British scientists tend to move to the US rather than staying at home and having their discoveries stolen by people in the US.

@Joshua Bardwell: Or a chastity belt with built in taser. Sounds stupid but is actually a marginally better idea than a condom with teeth...

Here's another, slightly more effective, invention that should be issued to all South African women: [webpages.csus.edu] [Edit] Can't get the damn picture to upload so just follow the link.

@anthinkyushu: I agree that the argument is overblown. I do think Macs are easier to get going with and probably for basic day-to-day stuff but Mac-only users never seem to learn... Being constantly lightly burned by Windows forces you to become computer savvy. I remember having a conversation with a graphic designer