
Haha that picture sums up my reaction pretty much. It instantly became my most wanted game of 2012! And glad they fixed the title. Metal Gear SOLID Rising sounded stupid.

My room isn't big enough to sit 15 feet away from my TV and at that distance, it would look as big as a PSP screen.

I could never get into these multiplayer shooters but this... this looks right up my alley!

No one mentioned GRID? It DID come out on PS3 didn't it?

Yeah, but since Ridge Racer 5 on PS2 they have always been buttery smooth 60fps, it gave them a nice arcade-quality feeling. Not to mention RR7 on the PS3 was one of the very few games that actually ran at 1080p AND 60 fps.

Why? Unfortunately because the Wii is the only platform where those great games are available.

Don't forget that most games were way harder before, for example: Contra took me FIVE MONTHS of religiously playing on nearly a daily basis to be able to finish it, and it's a game you can beat in less than 15 minutes if you get good enough.

I've never understood how people don't mind the TOTAL lack of weapon, health and power-up pickups on the multiplayer maps in these modern games. Part of the fun is learning where the pickups are and knowing when do they respawn, it also made learning the maps a necessity if you wanted to get good.

I waited for the Wii version of Twilight Princess instead of playing the Gamecube one, so I think I'll wait for the Wii U version of Skyward Sword too. :)

Me too, it put a smile in my face. :D

I don't get it, it looks like any other game trailer. *confuse*

The saddest thing about that, is seeing your childhood friends getting taken over by the sports and war games because everyone is talking about them, then proceed to take a piss on the same games we previously enjoyed.

It's there for play and in Autovista for complete exploration pleasure (and Top Gear commentary), there's even an achievement related to a certain time travelling movie. ;)

And here I was feeling bad for being on a core 2 duo. But I feel your pain man.

NBA Street Homecourt and Virtua Tennis 3 are the only disc-based games that output in native 1080p resolution that I know of. NBA Street drops down to a locked 30 fps in 1080p, though.

Actually the 1080p mode in GT5 is just 1280x1080 upscaled. Still a bit higher than Forza 4's native 720p.

Actually both console versions resolutions are going to be 1280 x 704, which is sub 720p already.

Capcom: Fix DMC2's boring gameplay. If you're gonna include it in the collection as it is, it'll just be a waste of disc space.

I couldn't care less about both soccer games, give me International Superstar Soccer Deluxe HD Remix on XBLA.

My fighting game friends tend to label zoning as "running away like a pussy" and stuff. I say them it's a legit strategy even in professional sports, it's why I had to stop playing Arthur with them. (Not really, I stopped playing as him because I always got destroyed, and I'm not good defending against rushdown anyway)