
Is there any sunlight or joy in your corner of the planet? Or are you just an angry Spurs fan? Unless you have a way better screen than I, it's hardly that conclusive in that sea of feet.

Thanks for trying to be that guy, but he pivoted to the corner. I'm sure there are some college basketball classics on some channel right now so you can see basketball played the RIGHT WAY.

It's the second most important part of your equipment after your skates. Most guys I know won't step foot on the ice without wearing a cup.

Plus freakin' one to that.

One thing I notice, only one Canadian team in the playoffs

"I was." - John Kruk

this guy has the writing style of an unfunny eighth grader doing stand up at a talent show

He's absolutely right. Let's suspend him.

As a non-scientific sample, I searched Deadspin for some random last names, noting the date on the last result to show up on the 2nd page.

For whatever reason, (thanks Kinja) I have to finally note that Tom, you're really reaching here. You're attacking my examples rather than my argument (which generally means you don't have an argument to begin with) The MLB has hundreds of young prospects, yet you, (just like ESPN with Tebow) insist on reporting on

I would add to this that Puig isn't the de facto best player on the team just because of this stupid, manufactured mythology that exists around him. That was a broad sweep in the article by Marchman that a lot of people have overlooked here. No way is Puig the best on the team. If anything, you give it to Hanley

Tom also wrote last year that what Bryce Harper did was "playing dumb" and not "playing hard."

No I didn't, I compared the two's media coverage. You, my friend, have a low reading comprehension.

Let me simplify things for you. There are a lot of a borderline NFL QBs floating around, ESPN decided to shit Tebow down our throats. There are a lot of great young MLB prospects/players in the league right now, Deadspins decided to shit Puig down our throats.

Perhaps because you make statements like "let's just make writing columns about Yasiel Puig illegal. That would probably be best for everyone" to sound ironic and hipstery, while simultaneously 1) getting a rage hardon every time a shit column about Puig is written and 2) getting a real hardon every time you get to

Because you ride the Dodger's dicks so hard that it measures on the richter scale

It's because you're constantly defending a guy who was charged with endangering the lives of other motorists TWICE. I'm guessing there are no socioeconomic factors that excuse that kind of behaviour.

A failure to show up on time or understand the correct situation to take a base running risk are not the same as the inability to hit a slider. They are less harmful, sure, but also far more easily corrected with a modicum of attention.

Puig definitely does things The Deadspin Way™.

you guys write about puig a lot, i dont know if that needs an explanation. just look up how many articles that were on deadspin that were baseball related since puigs name was first written on this site and see how many of those were about him. lets see the numbers! lol i dont actually care at all but dont be mad