
It's standard Spaniard etiquette to lick the neck of his Brewer after a night of heavy indulgence.

I don't get this. One bad call does not negate another bad call.

I drank so much Evan Williams in college that I'm pretty sure it ruined whiskey for me for the rest of my life.

For whatever reason, (thanks Kinja) I have to finally note that Tom, you're really reaching here. You're attacking my examples rather than my argument (which generally means you don't have an argument to begin with) The MLB has hundreds of young prospects, yet you, (just like ESPN with Tebow) insist on reporting on

No I didn't, I compared the two's media coverage. You, my friend, have a low reading comprehension.

Let me simplify things for you. There are a lot of a borderline NFL QBs floating around, ESPN decided to shit Tebow down our throats. There are a lot of great young MLB prospects/players in the league right now, Deadspins decided to shit Puig down our throats.

What? This isn't even a complete thought. I'm saying Deadspin over covers Puig, the same way ESPN over covers Tebow. So parallels, very wow.

Breaking News: Yasiel Puig isn't the only young talent in the MLB (see Trout, McCutchen, Harper, ext.) Similarly, Tim Tebow hasn't been the only borderline starter/backup quarterback with overstated political views (see Hasselbeck, Warner, Dilfer, ext.)

Deadspin's obsession with Yasiel Puig = ESPN's obsession with Tim Tebow

What's there to discuss? It looks clean, flashy and gay... Ohhhh, I see what you did there, never mind.

Wait a minute... Aren't these two the same thing?

Roids are kosher as long as you get a World Series out of it.

+1 I hate you for making laugh at loud at this.

He's going to feel like that black, gay football player after this make gaffe makes its rounds.

How'd Mizzou do in the tourney?

Yeah, the girl covering has big tits though, so it's cool.

Reminds me of Suh's nut shot. That shit was clearly deliberate, though he'll pretend it was an accident. Turns out professional athletes have extraordinary control of their bodies, crazy I know.

How the fuck did Twitter feminist and animal rights meet in the first round?

So ?discus/tiger doesn't work anymore? Is there another way?