Wonder Wouldn't

That can be what it means. But it can just as easily mean that they’re not thinking before they speak. I mean, are we really going to say that no one but geniuses have ever uttered the word “um”?

“All right, I acknowledge you, but I am so tired, please let me sleep!”

Look, I love babies. I like moms (some of them). But if I was invited to speak in from of hundreds of people, do a book signing, and participate in an intense professional conference, I’d arrange for child care for the day. No, you can’t bring your baby to work, sorry. That includes adjunct teaching. Advocate for

When you feel the need to name the most popular show that features a black woman to make the point that plenty of roles exist for black women, you’re missing the point.

which are not that good anyway

I recently started to be less lazy and am taking up barre classes as exercise. I realize this is not ballet in any shape or form, but it is a lower impact form of exercise that will help me with my all standing/all walking job. I’ve taken a few and so far I enjoy it, but I have questions.

I’m pretty sure Matt Damon knows when diversity is an issue.

While I am glad that the greater movement of body positivity has been distilled into body confidence for white guys who are, for example, taller than 99% of the population and other manifestations like the ‘dad bod,’ I would like to derail the discussion slightly by pointing out that a similarly proportioned woman who

That Mashable picture of Michael Fassbender as Jobs reminds me of Dieter and his monkey from SNL and hence has totally ruined Michael Fassbender for me!

Maybe if we’re lucky, next year will see Kara in front of the Shade Court backdrop, captioned

I take it very seriously. Without that “chemical manipulation” I would’ve lost my ovaries to PCOS years back. Definitely not sexy. Neither is unplanned pregnancy or any of the other painful conditions the BCPs can treat. Humans intentionally alter the ways their bodies function all the time, since time immemorial.

Wow, seriously naive. Your expenses do not go down substantially without a wife and kid. In fact, they stay at about 80% of what they were before. Your rent/house payments, basic utilities, commute costs, clothing, food, etc, all stay about the same. And you lose a salary, two very major tax deductions, and just about

No, that is a failing statement.

Then you have a discussion with that person about what to do about it; change the form of the relationship, break it off, whatever. It’s not right to keep them in the dark. If you’re in a monogamous relationship with them, they have the right to know and have a say in how things will proceed. I know you’re not one of

This is what happens when people badly want to normalize something in order to shift guilt off themselves. Next we will hear from evolutionary psychology pundits on how it is natural for people (men) to cheat due to wanting to lay their seed in the wombs of as many women as possible.

I have a lot of horrific bug stories as I’ve lived in Florida, and a cockroach infested apartment in Brooklyn (they got in my bed, y’all.) But, I’d have to say, the absolute worst was during my three year stay in Senegal. Anyone whose ever spent time in Africa might be familiar with blow flies or Cayor flies. Their

she wasn’t told she was probably a slut - she was told that those guys probably think she’s a slut. kind of an important distinction. sure, she could’ve (should’ve!) employed more tact (advice I think many people could stand to practice), but assessing someone else’s reaction doesn’t make it your reaction, which is

And her friend did not “call her a slut,” she answered that the guys "Probably" thought she was one. And she probably did not need to hear it.

“full frontal male nudity”

Actually, we need to separate “work-life balance” from parenthood, or motherhood, so that it applies to everyone. Nobody should be working 60 hours every week, regardless of parental status. We need to make it clear that parents aren’t asking for special treatment when they want to leave the office at 5. Everyone